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Excellent mornings bag.


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Went out this morning just after 3,and drove about 15 miles to a farm where i knew there were a few bucks cutting about.I saw a small buck but left him and went to have a seat looking down where they usually come out.The midges were horrendous,so i lit a cigar and must have resembled The Flying Scotsman with a full heed of steam.It was just burning my mooth when i noticed a fox about 150 yards away sitting watching me.After a couple of minutes,he put his head down and started hunting so i got prone with the gatt,and when i was on gave a squeak.On hearing it he turned face on but all that was showing was throat and head.I aimed at the middle of the view,and pulled and he dropped on the spot.A big dog with a coat more like a coyote than a fox,and was missing both canines on the same side,with little rotten stumps left.The pic with Rab is from the firing point and the fox was about 20 yards behind the pole After that the midges won so i drove home direction to the usual valley.I have noticed a lot of tree damage where a buck was taken aboot 3 weeks ago and i presume another has come in and is marking his patch.There were no signs of him at the trees,so i drove to the bottom of the valley,and saw 2 bucks and a doe.One buck was about the hundred,and the other about 60 but he was very flighty.As soon as the closer one stopped i pulled and saw him run into the trees.I scoped the other and he was stood looking so he got the bullet too,and dropped straight away.I decided to leave them to make sure the first had dropped for a while,so took Rab and walked up the valley about 3 hundred yards away.By this time it was absolutely melting,and it was fine to get the tshirt on in the morning for a change.At the head of the valley we had a seat,and soon a buck,doe and a fox appeared.Unfortunately the fox didnt hang about so i set up the camcorder and shot the buck not far off 100 yards.Altogether an excellent result.Then took the .17 for a rabbit or two and ended up with 7 and 1 hoodie craw,all the rabbits with Mixy except for one.The clean one was heaving with fleas so maybe thats the reason so much are diseased. Finally went to check the larsen and found a maggie in it.A good morning indeed,and sure beats working.

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Well done Dave, you had a better morning than me, I had 15 bunnies with the 17hmr. Still it's great to get out in the early morning at this time of year.






Cheers all.


Mornings my favourite time for an outing.Things have travelled that bit farrer away from their comfort zone in the dark and roe end up miles from cover.Mind you,this is the first morning i have been oot in the t-shirt for weeks,and touch wood it stays a wee while.

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What a morning you had mate, well done!! I must say though, being from Newcastle... I don't completely agree with the shooting of Magpies!!


Dont know fella,some of the ***** they pass off as football deserves shooting.



Not sure your should have shot the dog through. :yes::)


Well,i have thought about it when he plays up a bit. :rolleyes:



I've just noticed little Rab there! :(

What have you been doing to him, he looks well and truly cream crackered? :oops::D:hmm:



It was the midges fella.I wouldnt give him a cigar to keep them away from him.

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