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Pigeons on peas


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Fair enough sorry if i came across rude but i just got frustrated at the fact that people were treating me like a retard and it frustrated me i.e 'he knows what he is talking about unlike robbo123'. Thank u for your answers and i agree that they were not feeding on beans as there was a load of chickweed in the field and the shot pigeons crops. When do they actually start eating the beans??

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I have shot pigeons on beans in the last ten years from late august when the beans have flatted by rain also beans are not as dense as corn and birds find it easy to find gaps .


The biggest diffrents is that when I first started shooting the beans where combined in october last of the crops to be haversted which made them even more attractive now they start end of august when they is still plenty of other crops to gleen on.


So another two months maybe more if the weather is wet and then stock up on rounds my best bags have accured on broadcasted beans and stubbles.


Thanks for saying sorry about your comments .


Kind regards OTH

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Like Nickbeardo I have only had birds on beans after they have been cut or just after drilling.


Looking forward to Friday as my mate and I are out over three fields of peas. Birds have been building up over the last week, last night 150+, lets hope they stay there until Friday.

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i just had a look at how many pigeons shot by members this year and protom has put a post on saying he shot 16 on a bean field before farmer came to spray the field.


I was shooting over beans but the pigeons were in the beans eating chick weed on a samll flat area in the middle of the field none of the birds were eating the beans as there to high for them now . i only shoot them on the drill and stubble as a norm but spotted the birds heading in had a look at what they were on and had a pop :lol:

Edited by proTOM1
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Here in Yorkshire the bean crops are still in flower and I haven't seen a pigeon on our bean fields since the day they were drilled.


Just for those who aren't sure of their crops


These are Peas




These are Beans





Edited by UKPoacher
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Here in Yorkshire the bean crops are still in flower and I haven't seen a pigeon on our bean fields since the day they were drilled.


Just for those who aren't sure of their crops


These are Peas




These are Beans










So all these years I have been shooting on beans?:w00t: and they were really peas ..................... covered in pigeon blood.





















No wonder they tasted "rank" on toast.


we live and learn. :lol:;):w00t: :w00t:




Dave K

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