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A few pigeon, a blackie and a couple of hares


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i do what ever needs doing to keep my land its hard to come by and would not like to risk any of my permissions. without land i have no life im out 4/5 times a week and keep in there with all the land owners IF they want the hares thining out then thats what i do if there not to fussed il take 1 or 2 for the pot as and when needed.

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Went out shooting the other day with a mate on his permission. Was a bit too hot, not may pigeon flying around so we decided a walk up and down the hedgerows would be best for the day. Walked along the first and managed to bag three woodies. Got a proper sweat on walking around in all the gear so stopped at the end waiting to see if any woodies would fly over and take a look at the three birds i had put out as deeks. Nothing about so headed along another hedgerow a little further down the lane. Managed another three woodies although it should have been five as i missed two easy birds which screamed out of the hedge in front of me. Unfortunately one of the woodies bounced off the deck and down into a massive land drain and another went into a wheat field. I had a look but couldnt find him and didnt want to trample down the farmers crop after a woodie. My mate was unlucky and didnt get a single shot as the birds all flew out on my side. I think it was probably because they were sheltering from the sun and my side was the shaded.


By this time, although i had only been out an hour i was sweating something chronic and a sunday afternoon in the pub seemed to be the way forward. So heading back to the car with my birds in my bag i was a happy lad. About 50 yds away from the car and we saw two crows high in the sky heading in our general direction. We hid in the hedge and i loaded two carts into the semi. Never had time for the third when one of the crows flew over me. I missed with the first but brought him down dead with the second. The smile on my face had grown even more. I think my mate was a bit savage as he didnt even bother laoding his gun. I slung the birds and gun in the boot and headed home.


We had to stop on the way home at my mates work so he could check his tractor was fine for work the following morning. I went for a wander round the back of the farm with the shottie and literally as i turned the corner to the field two hares came running straight at me. They panicked and turned but i hit the first with shot one and the second with shot three.


All in all a bloody brilliant day. Took the pigeon back and we did them on the barbecue after the footy. Wrapped them in tin foil, added chopped red peppers, and olive oil. They were beautiful. I gave the two hares to my mate who in turn gave them to his boss.


A nice pleasant morning, shame about the footy but it had to be expected, and a nice afternoon drinking and eating in the sun.






Nice shooting I personally don’t shoot hares this time of year but if there is a lot about and the famer wants them culled I don’t thing one or two will be a problem as long as they are not wasted. That is the first famer I have heard of that wants some culled as most land owner like to see hares. :good:

Edited by garygreengrass
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Sounds like a good day out mate! Permission is hard to come by these days! Far too many people on here waiting for a fight on the end of the keyboard wanting to be the ultimate hunter come conversvationist when it suits

Edited by Albertan_J
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What's the problem with shooting hares? I must admit I don't see many round by my house so never shoot them but this particular permission is riddled with them. Saw seven in one field. And the farmer has said to shoot them but simply ensure t we don't shoot too many and that they don't go to waste which these two certainly didn't!!

Keep the farmer happy thats the whole point.If you are doing what he asks you are doing a good job in his eyes.If it is not illegal then i do not see why it is a problem for some people.

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so if farmer asked you to shoot say Canada geese at this time of year would you? What about English/Grey Partridges (in season) of which there are a few in your part of the world? Just because it's legal doesn't necessarily mean you have to.


I often get asked to shoot hares but explain to farmer I'm happy to do so during the game season but not at other times.


Some farmers are NOT the best custodians of the countryside and neither are shooters!


Do you know the difference between a 'shooter' and a 'hunter'?


I too have to agre with Highlander here! While I can see your side of it and agree that you "have to protect your permission by respecting the farmer's wishes" there are a few justifiable questions regarding the shooting of the 2 hares. First of all I believe that the BASC are fairly clear in their Guidelines on Hare Shooting (Particularly at this time of the year) and I personally would not want to shoot one at this time of the year! Has the Farmer clearly told you to "cull" the hares and if so have you explained that while you will happily do this for him it is "frowned on" to cull hares at this time of the year?

I have (On occasions) been asked to shoot things in situations that I have not agreed with and have always found a way round it (Like "snatching" the shot at the very last second if I think I am being watched).

When you get permission to shoot from a farmer I believe that he is saying "Please take over as another custodian of the land and help to manage it"! (It would be only too easy to get branded as a trigger happy cowboy rather than a responsible shooter and conservationalist)

I am not saying that you are entirely wrong for shooting the hares, all I am saying is that you might try to look at the broader picture in the future should you find yourself in the same situation again!

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in all honesty how many of you would tell the man who gave you permission to shoot his land NO i am not going to shoot what you ask me to shoot .hands up i for one wouldnt . :angry:


+1 if one of my farmers asks me to shoot something so long as its legal and in season I dont have a problem with it. I have shot a few hares on some of my permission's and now don't see any but at the end of the day thats what the farmer instructed me to do, not all farmers like to see hares running about their fields I know mine don't.

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