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Shotgun dilema - Question 2...

adam f

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And following on from my other question below:


If I do go for the more expensive end of my budget Ive whittled it down to 2 guns:


Beretta 686 Silver Pigeon 30" MC colour hardened action, and gorgeous wood - a few marks on stock - £1k




Winchester Classic Doubles 30" MC again nice wood, and fitted my the gunsmith to fit - £900


The nicest gun Ive shot to date is a Winchester 6500 and this has a similar feel - it just feels 'right' (but then again I'm not that experianced) but it's the last of the Japanease guns, so it's older and I'm not that familier with Winchesters.


Everyone knows Berrettas and their pedigree.... is this a safer option?


Whar are people's thoughts?

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I have a Winchester Select 'Sporting'. Brought it second hand (but immaculate) for around £600 and I much prefer it to my friends Beretta 686 or Browning.


It is down to personal preference in the end but in my opinion you shouldn't be swayed by the inferred status or re-sale value of a gun.


Status should come from being able to hit things with it, not the name on the side and if you find a gun that suits you well, why would you sell it anyway unless it breaks? :hmm:

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I will second that 955i, I also have a Winchester select sporting, I purchased new, my first shot gun (2005ish). Winchester guns are very well made and reliable I use mine for clays now and then but mostly pigeon controll. I sometimes shoot my dads Beretta and to be honest there it nothin in it build quality wise in my opinion, At the end of the day mate you are paying the extra cash fot carying a Beretta, "the name" it will not make you shoot any better. dont get me wrong i like berreta's a lot. but I probably would not shoot any better with with one. :)


Its up to you what you spend your money on mate but buy what you feel most comfortuble with, you can allways upgrade at a later date if need be. you could spend 20k on a gun but if you dont point it in the right direction you will not shoot anymore clays/pigeons than you would have spending £200 on a gun.


I wish you the best of luck with your choice of gun and your shooting :hmm:


Keep us posted.


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at that budget Browning 325,425,525 and Miroku are in budget i recently tried a 686 and 525 and walked away with the 525 this was after shooting both, I was recommended to look at Browning , Winchester, Beretta and Miroku as quality guns that will last a life time, I originally had a £500 budget but was convinced to spend more, on quality


For what ever reason i am always drawn to bettinsoli's on the rack at dealers no idea why!




If you like the 6500 then try a Browning/Miroku loads in your price range

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The Classic Doubles seems way over-priced in my book. You can get a nearly new Miroku MK38 for that money.


Winchesters (Classic Doubles) are fantastic guns - I have owned enough of them, but they are not newish guns - about 20 years old.

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