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223 without a sound moderator


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Its worth buying one done, if you ever want to sell it you have to get it re proofed and for the money involved in testing it and getting it sent back and the time etc its too much hastle. If you're going to be lamping you may find land you thought had no houses still gets complaints.

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I bought my remmy 700 without screwcut .

From the first time I fired it I knew a mod was needed .

I had it done locally screwcut proofed and wildcat mod for £300

The difference was amaising and a huge reduction in recoil too

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I''l give you two instances, both times shooting in the same field away from local houses with a village near by, the first with no mod on a late summer eve about ten ish pm, the bang must have woke every dog in the village, which then started to bark :drinks: and on several occasions with the mod on during the day, eve and in the middle of the night, no barking, big difference :yes:

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