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Roof mounted light


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Getting a lamp on top of my truck was wandering if anyone had a guide or pics showing where about to drill the hole, as once its done there’s no going back lol It will be a LF170 that'll be used also what did you do for wiring it up straight to the battery?





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Getting a lamp on top of my truck was wandering if anyone had a guide or pics showing where about to drill the hole, as once its done there’s no going back lol It will be a LF170 that'll be used also what did you do for wiring it up straight to the battery?






Save the effort of running two wires to the battery and just loop the negative around the bolt you tighten to hold the lamp to the car. It'll earth and complete the circuit :lol:


I've drilled plenty of holes in my car, just count to 10 before you do :rolleyes:

Edited by Billy.
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The Lightforces draw a massive current. After only a few minutes use you will find that the wires, lamp, handle (the whole lot) heats up, such is the draw.


We just extend the lead with heavy duty cable and put crock clips on, to jump straight onto the battery.


Oh, we have 3 batteries in the boot and a split charging system as well....

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If your nervous go to a car audio fitting place (not halfrauds) and get them to wire it up like an amplifier with fuse etc if you use it alot then a deep cycle battery like an Optima yellow top may be needed



If you have space a secondary batt and split charger are the way to go

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have you lot got tiny batteries and knackered alternators? My L200 I've never had an issue with running one, my truck used to have a flashing light so i've got a decent 12v supply to an isolator swtch by the ignition and running to the back where I've hard wired the lightforce to it. main wire doesn't get hot

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hi mate i fitted mine about 4 weeks ago and im chuffed to bits with it .The only thing id say is take your time and use silicone as well your seal wat you get .Also if u use a filter tape it on so it dont blow of when u turn lamp round to drive .Hope that helps SWISS


Edited by swiss.tony
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