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remington 11-87


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Just wondering what the above gun sells for?

i have looked allover for prices but cant seem to find any.


the gun in question is in very good condition, a couple of very light scratches on the wood work (as expected with a workhorse of its age), no rubbing on the barrel, good bluing covering it all and no pitting inside the barrels, recycles at a good speed, from 24g to 50g..

has 3 chokes with it and a couple of them o-rings that always seem to break when stripping down to give a good clean!


Anybody have any idea what its worth?

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I had an 1187 Sporting Clays -- the best gun I have ever had for pointabilty and handling -- after 35k cartridges it was a heap of junk - only original parts were woodwork and trigger - "everything" else had broken and been replaced including barrel.


If I saw a good one for £200 I would buy it just to strip it and sell parts.




ps - make sure it comes with white sheet - you need that to put on floor of cage to see what bits have dropped off.

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I had an 1187 Sporting Clays -- the best gun I have ever had for pointabilty and handling -- after 35k cartridges it was a heap of junk - only original parts were woodwork and trigger - "everything" else had broken and been replaced including barrel.


If I saw a good one for £200 I would buy it just to strip it and sell parts.




ps - make sure it comes with white sheet - you need that to put on floor of cage to see what bits have dropped off.



how had the barrel broken?

my uncle has 1 he has had and used for about 10years, he has put 10s of thous of carts thru decoying pigeons and big loads for geese on the mudflats (where it has been dropped but kept going), the only problem he has had is the o rings wearing out!

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I bought an 1187 Premier brand new in 1990 and in 20 years it had about a dozen sets of rings and 2 extractor claws. In that time it had over 350,000 shells through it. not bad i thought. I sold it earlier this year to a PW member still working fine. I treated myself to another new one and love it.

Rich g

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I just wish my 1187 had as been as reliable as others seem to have been - I shot it at clays for 7 years which is as long as it lasted - along with rings and ejector claw it got through two each of action bars- action sleeves - bolt lock - numerous tuning forks -firing pins the mag tube came out twice and barrel lugs split inside from holes back - the bolt also wore through side of action which isn't uncommon - I can point you to a very well known 1100 top sporting shooter whose is same. - After each shoot I cleaned it and all inside edges were razor sharp - one tip is lightly oil piston rings with semi or full synthetic motor oil - just wipe clean - that has never worked on any other auto I have had.


One thing that might have contributed although I didn't know at time was cartridges I was using - Had always used Winchester Blue Lights in 28g- 7 1/2's - I had ten tested and pressure results in just those ten varied from 550bar to 700 bar - that's almost magnum pressure - after that I used Express Supers but by then it was too late I had got a Beretta 390 which also didn't last long but for other reasons.


If I could find a gun that handled and felt like my old 1187 but had reliability of my Winchester I use now I would be a happy shooter.



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