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Scottish MP making more waves against shooting [Scottish Shooters Bewa


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Reading todays edition of the Sunday Post we have another MP in Scotland making her mouth go regarding the amount of shotguns and ammunition that we should be allowed to keep,she is wanting to have shotguns regarded the same as firearms; ie,if you want to buy another shotgun or more ammunition you will have to apply for a variation etc.

I have never heard of this woman before,perhaps our Scottish lads can enlighten us . Can't remember her name as i put the paper in the fire.So to all our Scottish shooters,beware this woman as she's after making a name for herself.in the paper she never once mentioned the control of Cars,Knives-Golf clubs,screwdrivers etc that seem to be killing more people on a daily basis than what legally held guns are.Just thought i would bring this to our attention.

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