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rfd -rfd, who to put on letter?

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Hi guys, just a little help, I'm sending the letter to police informing of aquiring firearm, but its was sent rfd - rfd. Do I write it as if i bought it from my rfd? or put down details of original seller?

Thanks alot,



Ask your Firearms Officer and get it right first time. That's what he's there for.

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ok, just to make it really plain and simple...

the respective FLD's will need to see where this gun has been, the original owner will take it to his frd, the rfd will put it in his register and then contact your chosen rfd to arrange delivery, they will swap details and enter them in their respective registers, your rfd will then contact you when the gun is in his possession, he will then charge you an admin fee to transfer the gun onto your licence, technically, you have bought the gun from him and it's his details that will be on the notification form. :good:

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Interesting..and I don't know the answer, but my first reaction is you put down who you bought it from and paid money to for it, and I assume that was the original rather than your RFD, your local RFD is simply a middle man..isn't he?? Redardless of if your local man enters it on his register he does not own it and he is not selling it to you, he is simply the holder of it for a limited time.


I suggest you talk to your to your region/FEO, please post definitive answer.



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