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remmington 700bdl varmint


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I have been offered a remmington bdl varmint in 22-250 the gun is 17 years old and shot about 1000 rounds it has a pecar scope.this will be my first centerfire and used for foxing.2 questions are they any good and what do you think its worth as the seller said make me an offer, i looked on gun trader and cannot see the same gun so i guess they are rare.



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If it were a 308 it would be a pretty good bet but 22.250 and you don't know what 1000 loads have been through it, thats if its an accurate figure. Can you test fire it, definetly visually inspect the barrel and it depends on how cheap it is. As said earlier, good actions but forget rebarreling, would be cheaper to buy a new gun, ADL's with synthetic stocks are around £450 new or were last time I looked.


Offer the seller £150, if he snaps your hand off back out quick, if hes trustworthy honest and it still shoots still don't go over £250 otherwise you may as well save a bit more and buy a new one. You will soon loose confidence with your first centre fire if it won't shoot straight and you won't know if its you or the gun.

Just a quick edit, didnt read original message correctly, its a bdl and not adl therefore it would be worth a bit more but be careful with it.

Edited by Redgum
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1000 rounds through a 22-250 is a lot of use. Without having it bore scoped it is pretty risky. It may be ok but I wouldn't drop any cash before you have had it inspected. The BDL has a nice stock but it doesn't hold up well to bouncing around in the back of a truck. They are far too easy to scratch up. The price would have to be pretty low to make it worth your while. The action can be blueprinted and you can screw on a top notch barrel and make a really good gun, but the amount it will cost will be more than you would pay for a new one virtually.

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Thanks for the replies.spoken to the seller he will accept £300 he's quite happy for me to try it,he has not used it himself so has no ammo.so my next question is can anyone recommend 2or3 different factory loads to try.





Federal, Norma and if your lucky Privis

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