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Decoy Pattern

deputy dog

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I have mostly shot pigeons with an air rifle by making makeshift hides near sittie trees where pigeons are either feeding or roosting. I have now started decoying with a shot gun with out i must regrete much success. My quetsion is how many decoys should i use in a pattern and should i reduce when i'm using a rotary. Any tips and advice would be greatfully recieved. ;)

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more decoys down the better if useing pigeon decoys set 3 to 4ft apart from each other it will look like theres more pigeon on the ground .if useing crow decoys set 5 to 6ft apart and the odd one together i use ten crow decoys to get thing started ,i use 24 pigeon shells and ten of theses are on sticks ,add to the patten with dead birds on cradles and dont foget to get your self a flapper ;) i shot 27 crow on this day useing this patten


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the pic above is a randum patten works for crow as they never stop walking in real life so a randum patten every time for crow with no wind even when there is wind i still use a patten like this but most faceing towards the wind .. i always put two crow together it looks more real .if it works i will keep useing it if it dont i will change it and try and never use it again trial and error ever time if you dont try you will never know :) iv been out on some right rainy days and watched them pigeon walking about in it and some of them pigeon walk the other way [180%],so not all pigeon should be faceing the same way ,when i set up the decoys i always put one or two way out of the patten [10ft away] like they have landed and walked off just like they do in real life i use this on pigeon and on crow

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deputy dog


As many as you can afford. A hundred if possible. Get them from shootwarehouse or deko or any of the shooting gear sales lads and I'll ask for a commisssion! :)



I hate to admit it but Highlander is a master with deeks, seen him bring in the birdies over his pattern, whilst others get no action


right Highlander thats your lot for this year :):):lol:



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I would only use about 10. I a hourse shoe shape pointing to the wind with 4-5 yards apart. I don't use a maget but would not use it at the front of the h/shoe as this blocks the escape route for incoming birds. I have read that the maget is best set of to one side, get the pigeons attention and the h/shoe coys present a save landing zone for the incoming birds.


As you shoot birds replace the coys with them.


That what i am told, I mainly shoot crows but am gearing up for pigeons

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