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t8 mod??


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hi all been thinking bout getting a mod for the 243 and the t8 seems to be coming up in general,

as many of you would have seen on this site there is a t8 mod for sale and is being used on a 223 this is going to sound stupid but would this be ok for a 243 as i know certain mods can varey in cal

oh and the mod also has .25 printed on it?

any help would be great many thanks jntree

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I used a T8 on my .222, .243 and .308

The hole was big enough for the .308 so the others went through it with no trouble at all and even with the excess size hole with the smaller calibres made no discernable difference to the attenuation.

If yours is marked .25 then anything smaller will go through without any trouble.

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hi all been thinking bout getting a mod for the 243 and the t8 seems to be coming up in general,

as many of you would have seen on this site there is a t8 mod for sale and is being used on a 223 this is going to sound stupid but would this be ok for a 243 as i know certain mods can varey in cal

oh and the mod also has .25 printed on it?

any help would be great many thanks jntree


Edited by sleekitfox
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I used one for eight years, six days a week, and have still used it periodically for the last four years with no signs of rust yet and that is without any particular cleaning regime.

But then again I may have been lucky, it was bought when they were first introduced into the country.

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i have one on my 243 and it gets used a hell of a lot and cleaned now and again no sign of any rust on her yet :good:


as long as you take it off when gun is stored to stop condensation building up between mod and barrel then no probs. use silicon gel packs(normally found in the many boxes of the wifes shoe boxes!!) these will absorb any condensation in your cabinet also (if any). a litte squirt of wd40 on a mop and rubbed inside does no harm either. :lol:

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If it is marked .25 then fitting on a .243 should be fine, I assume the thread is the right size for you!


The T8 is a perfectly adequate mod and many like them, I prefer the Predator 8 and have the Compact version on all my centrefires, easy to strip and clean, no rust issues, lighter than a T8 and I believe they are quieter...JUST!


And they cost the same as a T8.


Second hand T8 should be viewed carefully, they do cause problems and they do rot out, that is why a stainless version has been recently introduced.



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I have them on my 22-250 and 243. Used them for years, and never had any rust signs yet.


Take a look at the Dragon moderators. They are slightly smaller/lighter than the T8, are stainless steel, and can be stripped down for cleaning. Retail price is around £220.00. These moderator's are excellent, and they are made by an RFD mate of mine. :good:

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had t8 and thought it was great then changed it for predator 8 and never looked back. after uve put several rounds through the p8 then open her up and youll see how much water has been produced and with the p8 you can clean this all up but with the t8 u cant so its left sitting there.

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never had any probs with mine either just stateing the advantage of having the ability to strip down the p8 and the ease of it compared with the T8.

for around the same price the predator wins hands down in my opinion. not only that you get about the same suppression but the p8 looks better quality and feels better quality and in all is better quality. this is only my opinion of course.

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