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Guilty as charged


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I am supposed to be lining up a Muntjac for a mate to shoot, but it seems I have done too good a job of clearing the land of them..


As a result I seem to spend more time watching Roe Does and fawns (of course the Bucks have dissapered now :good: ) than shooting these days, but it is still nice to be out there and it is good practice getting up close even without firing a shot.


Anyway, here is a useful picture from the weekend that has been sent to the land owner.


Roll on 1st November - when of course the Does will dissapear and the Bucks will return...



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As it seems some of only ever see deer on our PCs or in books :good: just for them here is another real life picture.

Who says Roe stalking is difficult? these started about 10 feet away from us, but I let them this far out so they would get spooked by me getting the camera out.

It's fairly obvious why his trees are all browsed flat at the bottom.


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