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If only...


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...if Google earth or some other web tool was able to feed live satelite images then you could recce your fields from the comfort of your own home. Imagine zooming in on fields to find where the birds are feeding, watching them flight and checking what time they move. You could also scope out the best spot for your hide and see where the farmers are working too.

As I said, if only...

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...if Google earth or some other web tool was able to feed live satelite images then you could recce your fields from the comfort of your own home. Imagine zooming in on fields to find where the birds are feeding, watching them flight and checking what time they move. You could also scope out the best spot for your hide and see where the farmers are working too.

As I said, if only...


But been out in the sun or the rain doing a recce is half (or more) the fun in pigeon shooting.


if it was available, i for one wouldnt use it

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