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geting sgc back ?

decoying mad

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When I installed a second cabinet I was waiting nearly 2 months before they came for a quick rattle of it. So long as the guns are locked up there is unlikely to be a problem - you have proved yourself competent at fastening a cabinet to a wall before [i assume] so I'd actually think this would go down as low a priority as they can make it!

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When I installed a second cabinet I was waiting nearly 2 months before they came for a quick rattle of it. So long as the guns are locked up there is unlikely to be a problem - you have proved yourself competent at fastening a cabinet to a wall before [i assume] so I'd actually think this would go down as low a priority as they can make it!

thanks mate never sent it back before so was unsure how it worked :ernyha:

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ive recentntly changed address and sent my sgc back 2 weeks ago to be updated.

and i havent had a call or nothing yet is this the norm as they will want to check my gun safe

and i thought this would be priority :ernyha:


I am moving soon, rang them to advice of the up coming move, told them i would confirm the move date, she asked for the address and said they would change the address on my cert tell the fao what was what and he would pop around and check the safe!



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When I installed a second cabinet I was waiting nearly 2 months before they came for a quick rattle of it. So long as the guns are locked up there is unlikely to be a problem - you have proved yourself competent at fastening a cabinet to a wall before [i assume] so I'd actually think this would go down as low a priority as they can make it!




My original FEO on my first application had to be persuaded to look at my cabinet, (to be fair, I had known him through my rifle club and my Dad for years before this), he just wasn't interested.


Two house moves on and two further FEO changes, and the addition of two further cabinets (3 in total now) inclucing various cabinet changes along the way, has not persuaded ANY FEO to check any installation of any cabinet since day one!


Again, a regional thing I suspect, my people seem relaxed about it! :hmm::hmm:

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They can be abit long winded, when I moved the FEO came out to do the 'rattle', he also looked at what type of windows and the general security. Decoy mad, you've done your legal requirement of informing the Firearms dept of your moving so the rest is their problem.

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So why send in your old certificate leaving yourself without one, all I

do is advise them of the change of details i/e address they then issue

a new certificate, sometimes by hand and inspect the cabinet other times

it just comes through the post to the new address :hmm:

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So why send in your old certificate leaving yourself without one, all I

do is advise them of the change of details i/e address they then issue

a new certificate, sometimes by hand and inspect the cabinet other times

it just comes through the post to the new address :hmm:


likewise, when i upgraded my cabinet, I rang the FEO (who came round in 30 minutes!!!), gave me an additional 4 guns on my cert. and went away. No paperwork required.

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