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start of the doe season


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Ok this will take a few goes to get all the pics up so be patient

went out monday and tuesday for the start of the deer cull up and out by 5am on the first and my place was down in a new hut we had built, great spot by a deer motorway through the woods, hut was the dogs danglies, first time stalking and the possibility of staying dry.




now ok not up to german specs but i was really pleased




good views out and a dry seat !! but as the light came up I saw nothing and rendezvous time was approaching so out I came and made my way through the woods and there were two fallow does watching me nicely skylined so no shot, after a while they decided I was bad news and left.

met up with the three others and they had managed two prickets so a good start


ok no replies just yet have to go onto next page

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That evening saw me in a different place up on a high seat I have been successful at about 4.00pm a small pricket turned up, now he is so small I am sure mum must be around so I wait for half an hour but no sign of mum, must have been poached or an RTA, anyway this one wasnt going to survive the winter and when lardered weighed only 21 lbs so he was culled.



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The others had managed a nice fallow doe but after shooting it had run into the laurels so four of us spent 1/2 hr trying to get through the bushes to find her, there was no blood trail so we were wondering wether or not it had been hit. One of our guys has a six month old dog in the truck, which had seen plenty of dead deer and was still learning, anyway rather than have to come back the next morning we got the dog who immediately went off in a different direction to where we had been looking and found the deer in two mins. owner very very happy




so that was four in the bag on the first day


next morning we were down to two of us and didnt see any deer, went to a local farm in the afternoon where they make cider and ended up loading the truck with all sorts of goodies before heading out for the last stalk of the day, I had one of my favourite spots and was optomistic, however by 5ish hadnt seen a thing so was just about to pack up when out of the tree line came two deer about 180 yards, couldnt make out if they were bucks or does the light was so bad, and if it wasnt for the Swaro scope I wouldnt have been able to take the shot, just got the crosshairs on the chest and pulled the trigger, seemed like an age before I heared the thud of a hit, but the light was now so bad I couldnt see the deer. after a nervous walk there he was



Edited by docholiday
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This was the well fed larder so all in all a good start to the doe cull even if we ended up shooting four bucks and one doe




was ment to finish off by having a go at the wild boar on land we have just picked up but not able to organise so will have to try again for that one, all in all very enjoyable, good to meet up with friends and to have one memorable shot. cant wait till next time, sorry I had to put it over so many pages, will work my new mac out soon


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