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Lightning 3 months on

Sha Bu Le

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Its now about 3 months since I got my Lightning XL have to say I am impressed.

Originally bought it with a Hawke scope but I've changed that for a Nikko Stirling Mountmaster

4-12x50AO (my lamp oil is a bit thin these days).


I am bit by bit finding out about this gun. Only done plinking in my garden (15 yards max)would like to take it out

and see what it does at 25 or more yards. From other guys posts I think it will be ok.

Also seen some criticism re the build standard...can't fault it but we'll see when I get out & about.




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Its now about 3 months since I got my Lightning XL have to say I am impressed.

Originally bought it with a Hawke scope but I've changed that for a Nikko Stirling Mountmaster

4-12x50AO (my lamp oil is a bit thin these days).


I am bit by bit finding out about this gun. Only done plinking in my garden (15 yards max)would like to take it out

and see what it does at 25 or more yards. From other guys posts I think it will be ok.

Also seen some criticism re the build standard...can't fault it but we'll see when I get out & about.




Hi bri,

i could hit a bean can lid every time at 50m with my 177 lightning xl and i am not very good :P. I am sure that people can get much better results. Nice rifle mate :good:

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I'm in Sunderland in NE England (not my fault was born here, could always move I suppose). Good suggestion mate, we have the Mayfair Shooting Centre in town, they are mainly concerned with fac. They have an airgunners section starting at 0.22 cal mine's .177, don't see much about it on their website. Other regional clubs that I've found are a bit of a trek that would be hard to fit around work and home committments. Unless anyone knows differently.


Bought the gun to address a rat problem, they have been coming into my garden from the adjacent cemetery, immune to the poison and won't go in the traps. Guess what since I bought it aint seen a single one, killed reams of paper though.




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I'm good mate, just moved to a different flat but in the same area :good: , me and my mate are planning a trip next weekend with the air rifles so I'll let you know how it goes with his tuned lightning


Hi Darren ......have a good day out & yes please tell me how your mate gets on with his lightning




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