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home made wind generators

Lord Geordie

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Hi Guys!


I recently aquired a huge direct drive motor from a LG WD-12331AD washer.


The motor is made up of the 2 parts firstly being the huge stator with approx 35 individual windings which is fixed to the back of the drum and then the Rotor which goes over the stator and runs on the bearing shaft of the drum.


This is the stator





Question is does anyone know what type of voltage this will kick out if converted to a Wind generator?


It's basically a giant version of the stator and pick up coil in a motor bike they produce 13.6V ish at about 2000rpm


Very interested in how much this may produce.



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about 2000rpm






I would not like to be near your "wind mill" when its shaft speed is doing 2K rpm.


Are you sure it is a permemant magnet motor? Most people start of with somthing like a tredmill motor DC current not AC.


I am sure they always go DC and then either use it as DC or via banks of batteries and or inverters step up to 240v AC

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I would not like to be near your "wind mill" when its shaft speed is doing 2K rpm.


Are you sure it is a permemant magnet motor? Most people start of with somthing like a tredmill motor DC current not AC.


I am sure they always go DC and then either use it as DC or via banks of batteries and or inverters step up to 240v AC



Yes the motor is a premanent magnet motor and I would assume I would see a half decent output between 800 to 1000rpm.


I just can't find any info on the motor online other than the LG write up but no technical specs :/

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I would not like to be near your "wind mill" when its shaft speed is doing 2K rpm.


Are you sure it is a permemant magnet motor? Most people start of with somthing like a tredmill motor DC current not AC.


I am sure they always go DC and then either use it as DC or via banks of batteries and or inverters step up to 240v AC



Yes the motor is a premanent magnet motor and I would assume I would see a half decent output between 800 to 1000rpm.


I just can't find any info on the motor online other than the LG write up but no technical specs :/

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I've no info on that motor, but google Scoraig wind or Hugh Piggott for details about how he

builds wind powered generators.


The whole Scoraig community lives off grid thanks to his efforts.


If you read the site you'll see he rubbishes small roof top generators as a complete waste of

space, they need to be _big_ and in clear air which normally means _high_.




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Elizabeth West's book 'A Hovel in the Hills' has a good chapter on wind generators written by her husband it may be a bit dated now but they ran a bank of batteries from their wind generator.


I must admit that I fancied building a small one to run low voltage dc lighting around the house.

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