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The old man has one and their good guns it seems, not a problem with it in 10 years+ of use. I used it a few times on clays and done ok with it but it is a pretty light O/U and I knew it after a 100 bird round - but in fairness it wasn't my regular gun and I'd be surprised if I was mounting it perfectly every time. It's certainly well made and finished (allbeit a varnished stock) and does show up my Baikal when placed next to it - not that a comparison like that is useful at all really. As walked up / rough / pigeon gun it's ideal and would do occaisional clays too - but obviously not ideal if clays are all you're wanting to shoot. Had I come across one before getting the Baikal then I'd have snapped it up as to me they like alot of gun for the prices they seem to sell for.

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