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stuck with the foxes


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I am really struggling on getting rid of some foxes on oneof my permissions . Everytime we have a shoot we see at least two or three . Yet when im out on that piece of land at night i never see one i try to call them yet this does not work . Any other tips on trying to get these trick foxes ?


We go on other land and can get a fox every night but this place just seems to be getting one over on us .......

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we've got the odd one of these if they are very lamp shy then odds are they are clearing off before you even come near. One option is a man with an auto on shoot days in the location you expect them to appear from. Obviously safety is key but usually they run out when beaters are a long way back.

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Guest shalfordninja

We had the same problem our shoot this year. 2 of them, sorted as follows. We've seen them nearly every shoot day this year and we dont see them at night.


One of the drives is a long piece of scrub and a fox runs out and follows the ditch line when it's being driven for pheasants. This particular ditch runs through the line of guns and away down the valley it lies in. So, during the last shoot day one of the keepers sat 200 yards or so down the ditch behind the guns, out the way of the drive. We didnt put any pickers up in the area, safety first! The fox bolted as usual, out of the drive and down the ditch line, straight past the waiting keeper and job done :good:


The second comes out of a pile of old dranage pipes that are next to one of our covers. On the Sunday after the last shoot, your not going to disturb anything the day after, 3 of us had a walk through the cover and round the dranage pipes. Sure enough it ran out past one of us and we got that one as well! :good:


Two foxes that we'd been seeing during the day and not at night dealt with!! Foxes all follow a pattern, the difficualy is finding out what it is and applying a solution.

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