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Informative day on the pigeons


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Spent yesterday on the new permission with "ROLY" Lee.

We set up our hide and waited for the pigeons to come in.

We had a few, not a great number, but we had some pleasing shots that we were both very happy with.

Most importantly we have at last discovered what we believe to be the major flightline, sitty tree and roost, this should all be good for future shoots.

We also met a shooter from a neighbouring field who is organising a rape shoot around all the local farms, and wants all fields covered to ensure we all have a good day.

Lee and I went home happy, and I am now awaiting the telephone call, plus of course some more profitable shooting in the meantime.



Edited by bakerboy
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Bakerboy to be honest I have found that on the times I have been out with others in the area shooting has been poor .


It has never helped the birds move to each gun I would say in fact it can hinder your shooting .


So the only time I think its worth having many guns out is when roost shooting.


Regards OTH

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i disagree on that - if there's plenty of rape about, either cover it with a gun, or put scarers in the field (i can thank Cat for that knowledge)


Yes, it's a case of covering all the options that the Pigeons have and trying to second guess where they will sod off to if they're being shot up.


I wish I has a quid for every post I've read on this forum over the years that said something like "set out the decoys on rape, big flock came in, bang, bang, they disappeared, never to return". Well, that's because they've now landed on a nearby field of yet more rape, and will feed quite happily there all day long if left undisturbed.


If you're serious about shooting a good bag, you've got to think like a Pigeon and cover nearby fields with either other guns or, alternatively, banger ropes which can be bought from any Agricultural Merchant.



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Yes, it's a case of covering all the options that the Pigeons have and trying to second guess where they will sod off to if they're being shot up.


I wish I has a quid for every post I've read on this forum over the years that said something like "set out the decoys on rape, big flock came in, bang, bang, they disappeared, never to return". Well, that's because they've now landed on a nearby field of yet more rape, and will feed quite happily there all day long if left undisturbed.


If you're serious about shooting a good bag, you've got to think like a Pigeon and cover nearby fields with either other guns or, alternatively, banger ropes which can be bought from any Agricultural Merchant.



When the big day comes you will all be the first to hear about it, good or bad.

I have on this new permission 2 very large rape fields seperated by a railway line a Spinney the farmhouse and out buildings, and a small field, so yes they do fly from one to the other.

The farmer now agrees to allow me to bring a guest or two so that both fields can be covered.

Beardo once your move and Christmas have gone(or before if you can) you will have to come over and have a look, you can then pick up your Piccalli, or I will have to organise it at St.Albans again.


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I must admit I am surprized that Cat thinks its the way forward,my knowledge of mass shooting OSR is that is all that accurs is each shooter chases the big flock till the point it pushes off the area completely for the day.


All this covering the fields does not make the birds want to feed and the key is being in the place on the right day and right location.


You or I will never force the birds to feed flight it is all about fooling the birds not trying to force the birds to do things.


So for me a solo or maybe a two well postioned guns will have far more luck than a lot of inexperiranced guns.


Regards OTH

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Well, keeping them on the move certainly works in Herts, perhaps those Wilts birds are a bit more clever..? :hmm:


I'm not advocating getting loads of muppets onto the fields, but if you've got a network of guys that know what they're doing, it can make a big difference between a good bag and total failure. :yes:



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  • 2 weeks later...

i agree with catamong the amount of times i have been shooting a rape or rape fields and getting shooting; but getting a few birds and flocks dropping in 500 yards away and having to lift them with a shot in there direction then see them swirl round and go straight back in.then you get everything pulling to a mass of live pigeons on the deck rather than a small amount of statics in front of you its only the rotary that will grab a few birds attention and swing some your way but if someone else is in that postion they will get shooting and push birds to you with a bit of luck. :yes:

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