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rimfires in NI

the enigma

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Are you a member of a club? If not it helps to have land to shoot over that your FEO deems to be suitable for rimfire use. In some instances you may be asked to proove the need for a rimfire by showing evidence of a rabbit infestation etc or the farmer/landowners word may be enough. All depends on your reason for wanting one I suppose

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What monkeyboots said pretty much. As long as you have a good reason for possession of a rimfire and adequate security (I.E Gun Cabinet) that meets the necessary standard and is bolted to the fabric of the building you should be fine :) Only thing is if you are going to be shooting crows and magpies etc you'd have to make sure they were on the ground with a safe backstop. A .22 rimfire round can travel upwards of a mile

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If it's your first application it can take a while. Mine just came back after 9 months, but for a variation your cover letter only lasts 6 months as far as I'm aware, so the firearms branch are under pressure (don't quote me on that) to get a variation back to you sooner than an initial application

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If it's your first application it can take a while. Mine just came back after 9 months, but for a variation your cover letter only lasts 6 months as far as I'm aware, so the firearms branch are under pressure (don't quote me on that) to get a variation back to you sooner than an initial application


They can issue another letter for another 6 months.

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There are three criteria to be met:


1) That you are a "fit and proper person", by the sound of it you already have an FAC, so this should be a given.


2) That you can demonstrate good reason, vermin control on your own lands covers this?


3) Secure storage, for bolt action rifle there must be separate secure storage for the bolt. Also if you share storage then you will need to sort that out.

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