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men from kent

pigeon sam

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Im in lads think i may have a lift sorted out

is there a charge on entry if i just wanted to

tag a long with the shooters

im thinking of hiring a gun on the day but do i need to join the club first

and do i need a licence to hire a gun


if you want to "tag along" there is absolutely no charge, you just come along with us or with the other group, Martin Gorsewood are a Shooters Shoot, they genuinely do care if the clients are having a good time and satisfied, when i have been on previous occasions with Pigeon watched chaps we have always been asked by the organisers if we are ok and having a good shoot etc.

Hiring a gun i believe is a £2 charge, you would need a licence to hire a gun, however if you have no licence then someone can hire it for you on their licence for you to use and they would be responsible for you using it, either that or i`m willing to allow someone to borrow one of my spare guns for the day, Either a Remmington 870 magnum pump or my AYA O/U but obviously would have to stay in my group as i know that guns can go quickly to hire down there.

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Metcheck are say Max 5c Min 1c Clear skies and 15mph winds gusting to 18mph but as Gorsewood is in a dip in the land and half the shoot is in woods it shouldn`t be affected by any wind, have shot there in terrible weather but holds it`s own nicely, also as you score and operate traps ourselves you can stop whenever you want for tea/coffee etc and because of the setup layout it is only a few minutes walk back to the main building where ever you are.

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Given that some are coming from McDonalds and some are arriving directly at the ground, there is a 10 minute drive from McDonalds to Martin Gorsewood so i would suggest the deadline for arrivals at Martin gorsewood be 09:30 then push off time can be anytime after that, gives people a chance to chat and have a coffee and bacon and brie roll.

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