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Scope for HMR?

adam f

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Which size and maybe model scope do you guys with HMR's recommend?


Ive used air rifles and scopes for a while but this will be my first rimfire and scope. Do I really need to spend alot of money like some of the scopes I read about on here, or can I get away with something a little more reasonable?


The rifle will be used for rabbits both day and night.


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A fixed 6,7, or possibly 8 times will work for rabbit/fox hunting much better than any variable. It's a point and shoot no faffing about with anything quarry dropper within the average HUNTING range of the HMR. More importantly the fewer lenses within the fixed mag scope let in more light.


Simple crosshairs work well for the point and shoot speciality of the HMR up to about 125 yards with a 100 yard zero.

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Thanks for the advice so far.


Am I right in that in say a 4-16x50 the 4-16 bit relates to the amount of 'zoom' and the 50 the size of the end of the scope?


If so, I understand the benefits and arguments for the varible power, but with HMR whats the advantage of a 50 over say a 32 scope?

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Thanks for the advice so far.


Am I right in that in say a 4-16x50 the 4-16 bit relates to the amount of 'zoom' and the 50 the size of the end of the scope?


If so, I understand the benefits and arguments for the varible power, but with HMR whats the advantage of a 50 over say a 32 scope?


Ive just put a 8x56 on my HMR, sighted in at 100 yards, its just about enough mag to see a bunny head clearly!


spend what you can, i bought my 8x56 Schmidt and Bender second hand at half its original price! and its perfect!

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I had 2 scopes on my HMR, a Hawke nite eye 6.5-20x50, and after that a nikko stirling platinum nighteather 6-25x56! These where ok but if im honest it was a bit too much faffing about, the sidewheel and I couldnt make my mind up which zoom setting to use! Went scope shopping a few weeks ago, picked up a Schmidt and Bender 8x56, very nice scope, will put that on my 22-250 when I get it, but I also picked up an MTC Mamba 4-16x50! WOW, for £240 you get alot! Really good optics, and a lovely reticule, really thin with a christmas tree style and mill dots, which are quite usefull as you will need to know the drop and wind adjustment on the Hummer, I am very pleased with it, very, very clear, and comes with mounts, sunshade, small sidewheel to put on if you want, and metal flip up caps. Get one, you wont be dissappointed!

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All my scopes stay on 6x and currently on my HMR I have a Zieler. Fantastic scope and the crosshairs are great (Post and duplex).


I'd avoid anything too fine if you're lamping with it, I did have a Falcon Menace on it at one point and whilst it was great during the day, you could barely see the crosshairs under the lamp.


Usually with a 50mm on a CZ452 you can get away with medium mounts so it sits nice and close to the barrel.

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