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foot paths

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yer but ya not aloud to shoot on footpaths and ya are aloud to shoot pigeon the footpaths are hardly used but this one bloke a see most times while am out keeps complaining saying ya cant shoot next to the footpath ya need to be 75 yards aways so a need to find out who a see to close it down for a day

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hiya all pigeon watchers am just picking ya brains here if a wanted to close a footpath down for a day to pigeon shoot just the farmer wants me to shoot all the pigeon on his land but there is a footpath where a want to put me hide,,,,, who do a see to close it down






Few comments...


1 You will never shoot all the pigeons on his land...


2 I believe closing a footpath for shooting, unless you can show serious H&S issues will be virtually impossible.


3 Do you HAVE to put your hide on the footpath? :hmm:


4 Put your hide either side and simply don't shoot over it, or when someone is walking by! The 50ft law does not apply to footpaths anyway, only to highways capable of carrying vehicles!


Highways Act 1980 section 161 (2)

If a person without lawful authority or excuse;


(a) lights any fire on or over a highway which consists of or comprises a carriageway; or


(B) discharges any firearm or firework within 50 feet of the centre of such a highway, and in consequence a user of the highway is injured, interrupted or endangered, that person is guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level 3 on the standard scale.


For the purposes of this law, (Section 161 (2) of the Highway Act 1980) a highway is restricted to a public right of way for the passage of vehicles and does NOT include footpaths, cycle tracks or bridleways.

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The law doesn't apply to footpaths only carriageways(roads)and it's only 50ft from the centre of them anyway.


Just be safe and considerate and you will be fine. Look on the BASC website for guidance and print it off to show anyone who tries to complain or say what you are doing is wrong. A couple of warning signs on the day wouldn't go amiss either.

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I would ignore this fella, be polite to him and go armed with the section of the law that explains its 50ft from the centre of a highway and that a footpath is not a highway. It might also be worth letting the police know your intentions and potential issues for the days shooting, whilst this wouldn't stop them from responding to reports of someone shooting illegally it would at least show that you have taken measures to prevent issues with foot path users.


If i didn't shoot near footpaths or routes that hikers consider footpaths then i have a 500ish acre piece of land that would be useless. Largely speaking all the walkers i have come across have been nice enough and i have tried my best to not alarm them and naturally only take safe shots.


It is however worth considering moving your hide a little, you could get away with setting up under a telegraph pole or something instead, just to keep a bit of distance between the footpath and you. Naturally this might limit/change the angles you can shoot in and might also result in dropping lead on the footpaths. So it has its own issues.

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i have lots of foot paths over my land, if i do need to shoot on or near a footpath i print signs on paper and stick them 100-200 meters of each side i am shooting or at each end of the footpath onto my land, saying there is shooting in progress please keep to the footpaths.


this means no one can claim they were not warned or scared by you suddnly shooting somthing, it also stops people wondering of the footpath to somwhere you will not be expecting them to be.


i have also heard of people putting flags out or a bell to ring when someone is approching your hide to warn you there are people there.


depends how much the path is used and if you can be bothered to go to the trouble lol

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The basic answer to the question is NO you cannot close a footpath/bridalway etc without applying to your local authority and this is rarely granted, usually only for maintenance work. Bridalways/rights of way etc are the same as a highway and (except for the 50m rule with shooting) and an application would have to be made by the local authority for it's closure. Even when rally stages cross these rights of way they are not closed and the organisers have to ensure the safety of those using the right of way by marshalling the crossing points etc.

Edited by KPV4
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