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Any archers on the forum?


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Just wondered how many among us were archers?


I have just bought a new recurve bow after around 10 years of not shooting and to be honest found the choice and amount of gadgets bewildering compared to how it was when I used to do it.


I'm convinced if I attached everything they were trying to sell me I wouldn't be able to pick the bow up!! :lol:

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I did a bit years back, was a member of Abbey Bowmen. I was never really serious about it, just used to go along for a bit of fun. I know what you mean about the gadgets, I had a quick look round an online shop a while back and didnt know what half of the stuff was for :blush: I considered starting again a while back when I was fishing and came across a few blokes doing Feild Archery at the venue. They were shooting plastic foam targets while moving through the wood at unknown ranges and it looked great fun! I chatted a while to a bloke who looked a cross between Conan the destroyer and Gandalf and he really sold it to me.

So what bits did you get?

Edited by charliebrown
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Used to be an Abbey Bowman myself :) Shot recurve for a year or so but lost interest. Try these guys Chiltern Archery if you haven't found enough bits already! Also have a range if you're down that way.



Small world isnt it? I was there when they still shot up at Nicholas Breakspear school in the summer, and indoor at some old hospital hall thing in the winter, About 10 years ago I suppose.

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So what bits did you get?


Stuck to the basics.


Got a Sebastian Flute Premier riser and a pair of their Competition Gold foam limbs, none of the bits and bobs, I'm used to shooting barebow and not sure I want to take it far enough to require sights etc.


Brought a boss as well as the bottom section of our garden is almost exactly 19m diagonally from corner to corner so I can practice on a standard size distance before throwing myself on the mercy of the local clubs.


Even though I went for middle of the road kit it still cost knocking on £400 once you start adding in arrows, targets, boss, stand etc :oops:


At least I get my ammo back with this (mostly) once I've used it :lol:

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Small world isnt it? I was there when they still shot up at Nicholas Breakspear school in the summer, and indoor at some old hospital hall thing in the winter, About 10 years ago I suppose.


Indeed! When I was a member we shot at Verulam school fields on Sandpit Lane in the summer and a sports hall at Marlborough school in the winter. Must be at least 6 years back. I hear they have an Olympic hopeful (or something like that) amongst the ladies now.

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I just got a compound bow with a few arrows the other day, Got it second hand but it is in mint condition. Looking forward to having a go


Ah yes, you had the one off 'the other place' I think :yes:


I was keeping an eye on that one but decided to go with recurve in the end.


Nice buy :good:

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I considered starting again a while back when I was fishing and came across a few blokes doing Feild Archery at the venue. They were shooting plastic foam targets while moving through the wood at unknown ranges and it looked great fun! I chatted a while to a bloke who looked a cross between Conan the destroyer and Gandalf and he really sold it to me.

My daughter and her bloke are heavily into this. They are "pureists" and won't accept anything other than basic English wooden bows; they even make their own arrows!

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I bought a recurve bow from the local sports shop a few years back. Needless to say it was yet another impulse buy. It was only about £60 so nothing fantastic but it does the job. Haven't used it properly for sometime but that's probably down to lack of suitable land to used it on. Could always practise on the the little blighters living under my shed... :yp:

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Used to bowhunt in the US before I moved over here. Did it for 12-ish years hunting deer and turkeys. I never got into target archery other than shooting in the basement to keep fresh.


I shot compounds the whole time aside from playing around a little bit with some recurve and longbows that I my dad still had lying around (which he hunted with in the 70's/80's).


I miss it sometimes. It was always a good day to go out into a treestand (high seat) on a quiet, cloudy day in october and wait on deer to come through.




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All of my family, apart from my 2 year old although she does have a plastic bow and the arrows with the little suckers on the end, enjoy archery.


We got 4 Sebastian Flute recurve bows to suit 2 adults, a teenager and a 9 year old, arrows, finger tabs, arm guards, stringer and a target boss for just under £400. Apart from arrow rests we just shoot bare bow and can do everything we want to.


It is a good family sport and "recycleable" ammo and targets at 79p a sheet make it very cheap once you have the kit.

It is good simple fun.

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I used to shoot field archery for quite a few years, "barebow" using a short mongolian-type recurve, and english longbow. Happily, my local clay ground now has an archery set-up, so it is the best of both worlds, as they say!

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