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Reloading - which die?


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Morning all,

Doing some reloading yesterday and managed (whilst following the instructions again) to strip the threads on my Lee collet die (neck re-sizing.

So, need a new die. I have a redding competition seating die and would like to neck resizewith one - any suppliers you would recommend?

Also is full rezing worth it and how do you guys resize, when you use once fired? Just to overall tolerance? What about the length to the case shoulders?

Any advice appreciated.


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Where do you live?


I've had Redding comp neck sizing dies in the past - but to be honest, I've switched back to their standard dies for that part of the reloading cycle. Only because I couldn't tell any difference in my setup... £20 vs £120


Still wouldn't part with my Comp seater though :)

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Morning all,

Doing some reloading yesterday and managed (whilst following the instructions again) to strip the threads on my Lee collet die (neck re-sizing.

So, need a new die. I have a redding competition seating die and would like to neck resizewith one - any suppliers you would recommend?

Also is full rezing worth it and how do you guys resize, when you use once fired? Just to overall tolerance? What about the length to the case shoulders?

Any advice appreciated.


How did you manage that, I have loaded 100's in 243 with my deluxe lee set. I prefer to necksize once they have been fired in my gun simply for brass life,no need for lubing, and right arm relief. I think neck sizing makes the ammo marginally more accurate and using the lee collet die gives very little run out.( theres a good You tube video of it if you search lee collet die). Neck sized only brass will need little if any case length cutting thus longer life, when they start to feel tight when the bolt pushes them into the chamber I fully resize that batch of cases.

I'm not claiming lee is the best but its very good for the money and its what I use for pretty accurate ammunition in 243, personally if my lee collet die broke down I would buy another, think they are around £18 and send the old one to lee ( unless youve been hitting it with a mallet :lol::lol::lol::lol: )

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With a Redding Competition neck sizer you have to select interchangeable bushes to determine case neck tension, which unless you are perpared to neck turn your cases can result in inconsistant grip on your bullet.

A standard Redding neck sizer would be a much better choice, fitted with a carbide expander ball you will get consistant neck tension.


My choice would be a Forster neck sizer, simply because the expander button is at the top of the internal stem and sizes the case neck whilst most of the case is still in the die and supported.

Other dies (Redding included) have the button on the bottom of the stem and all of the case body is out of the die when expansion occurs thus not supported.


I buy all my loading kit from SINCLAIR INTERNATIONAL even with tax and shipping its cheaper then buying here but the best thing is the speed of delivery, usually within 10 days, no waiting for your dealer to order things for you.



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Thanks for advice chaps - on balance I think I'll purchse a new Lee die.

I broke the die as follows;

Screwed the die into the press to just touch the case carrier at the highest point of the press arm travel. It then says that one should screw in the die a further full turn. I just happen to be a regular at pulling pints and the metal case buckled and the die threads gave way. I had set it the last time but always reset for each batch. Not to worry as you say Vermincinerator a replacement is a very reasonable buy.

I'll be more careful next time and once set, I'll leave the die alone.

Good shooting


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  • 2 months later...


I buy all my loading kit from SINCLAIR INTERNATIONAL even with tax and shipping its cheaper then buying here but the best thing is the speed of delivery, usually within 10 days, no waiting for your dealer to order things for you.


Ian, slightly out of context although I was looking for die info as well - Many thanks for this link - I had found an awesome US website but on no account do they ship outside the 50 states or ship to shipping forwarders, miserable gitssss... This one looks promising.. I have placed a $500 order if they can ship it at a good price and get the backorders.... thanks again. Gordon

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