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Tonights Vixen


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Popped up the local farm tonight,got there just as the farmer was unloading some calves. The yard was all lit up so to get away I went to the far side of an adjoining field which put me downwind of where I knew there would be some rabbits. A quick scan with the monocular showed a rabbit, so scope mounted lightforce 170 on, trigger pulled = 1 rabbit. A quick scan with the lamp and a set of eyes showed up at the boundry fence about 180yds away. Gave a few calls on the back of the hand, and the eyes came my way. Scanned with the night vision monocular and saw it sitting about a 100yds away. Collapsed the bipod legs to their lowest and layed down only to find the fox had moved nearer and to the right.

Put the light on it and it walked further to the right. Finally got settled and it moved left then stopped and sat up looking at me. :good: Lights out. about 70 yds..17HMR. Soory about photos, on my phone. Saw another but it disapeared before I had a clear shot. But there's always another day. :rolleyes:



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good going pal . what nv you got??


Its a Bresser 3 x 40 which I got from Lidl for £107 in November 2008 and which has accounted for numerous Foxes and Rabbits. Comes with built in infra red. 5 year Guarantee. Pardon the pun but I think its brilliant for the money. :lol:

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