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Buying a secondhand semi auto .22lr


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hi there


buy new and if you have got any issues with it take it back





If you buy a used one from a gunshop you can take it back if you have problems.


Yes I would buy a used .22 semi, actually I already have a bought two .22s ones a semi ones a BA. My semi is a CZ, and its been chopped down to make it a nice rifle for lamping from the landrover. Ammo wise never seen why people see this as a big problem, try a few and stick with what works best, the same as with every other type of gun I own. My one loves Eley, hates Winchester. Then again the bolt action has trouble feeding Eley, but is fine with Winchester. Think I paid about £100 for the semi.


if your buying used check for signs of wear in the mag well, and the bolt carrier. Downside with my old semi is that the stock comb is low if your using a scope, thats one reason I considered getting a Marlin 7000 a while back.

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If you don't own a bolt action .22, I'd advise you not to buy the S/A and to buy the bolt action first.


I made the mistake of buying a S/A first. It hardly gets used now as my CZ bolt is perfect.



I'm just waiting for my FAC to drop through the letter box, I've got a Quad waiting to be picked up from my local RFD, I've also got a slot for a second .22lr so was going to get a semi auto.

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