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Meet Tia.


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OK, with a title like that to this thread I guess that I have your attention and you are all thinking that I am just a dirty old man! You might be right but I am not going to admit to that in case my misses finds out!

Here is a short video of our new pup. We have spent the last few years fostering dogs for the Manchester Dogs Home, trying to sort out the many psycological problems that many of these dogs have and giving them a bit of obedience training to help them find suitable permanent homes. This can be hard and exhausting work but it is very rewarding when you start to see results, the only problem is that it is so easy to get attached to some of these dogs and it can be very hard to say good bye to them when the time comes for them to go to a new home. With this in mind we decided that the time had come for us to get a permanent pet dog of our own, one that would save us getting upset at parting with our 4 legged friends so often (To date we have helped out somewhere around 2 dozen dogs for the Manchester Dogs Home, all of which are now rehomed and happy). With this in mind we came across Tia on "Preloved Pets". We went to see her last night and fell in love with her straight away, even if she did cost me very dearly as I got flashed for speeding during the 80 mile round trip!

Anyway, here is a short video titled "Introducing Tia" which I filmed on our first morning walk together.

I am hoping that she will eventually be a working dog as well as a much loved pet!

Your thoughts and comments are most welcome.



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