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lifting the restriction on a fac


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a friend of mine asked a simple question which has got me a bit stumped , he looks after around 300 arcs of land which he shoots rabbits , foxes and deer on, but he has a restricted licence ,as word has got around he now has been offered to look after a few more farms too but only when they have problems with foxes ,as an when they need help . he has tryed to contact his local fac officer about this issue ,to open his ticket up but they have insisted he has a mentor to mentor him on the new land ??? which to me sounds a bit back to front .how could he obtain a open ticket without all the messing about with mentors and land checks ?

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It all comes down to how much experience your friend has got,some police forces object and may not give him an open ticket, until he has relevant experience, normally equating to at least 3yrs,

Alternatively tell your friend to keep a record of when he goes shooting, place it in a diary and also it may help him if he joins a gun club,the more ammunition you use the better.


It may work it just depends on the FEO at the time

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What is he shootign fox with? Assuming its a CF then the FEO will want reasonable grounds and experience for giving him an open ticket, if the farms are cleared already no problem if they insist on a mentor (there is no where that mentor is defined) then he may need to find a mentor (you?). HAving a letter from the farmer with specific mention of Fox and urgent/short notice requirement may well help his case.

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did your mate have to be mentored on the 300 acres of land hes allready got you say fox and (dear centerfire) if he dident need it then why now



Exactly, I wonder if the OP's mate has got his wires crossed or spoken to a trainee at his licensing dept. I would suggest he contacts BASC and gets them on the case, as a shooter he's bound to be a member.

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he didnt need a mentor for his centrefire strange i know , many have stated i should mentor him i would luv to but he lives the other side of dorset the travelling would be a nightmare everytime . with all the advice i think he will just have to wait or contact his insurance company and take it from there . i know its so fustrating but sometimes we all have to wait for what we enjoy doing . will keep you all informed as i am intrested in the outcome too :good:

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There is no official time limit to when a license can be opened, its all down to your firearms department and if they think you have enough experience to shoot on ground that has not been passed by the chief of police. Its a little crazy as no piece of land that is passed by the chief of police is completely safe, but may have enough safe places to shoot I suppose.

The police will look at how many rounds you are using, the more the better and apply to get other ground passed, if it takes alot of time then complain and suggest an open ticket.

Originally I had my 243 on a closed ticket but it was opened within 6 months due to the fact that when invited out of county to cull deer I did not always have time to check if land had been cleared or not meaning several lost opportunities to work toward my DSC2. My FEO was very understanding and sorted it.

Its not a bad thing that some sort of restriction is issued in relation to experience but firearm departments vary so much in their rules, I have read on these forums that some have been granted an open ticket with their first centre fire and other have been told to wait 5 years until their next application to apply for an open ticket with their .22lr.

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