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Who's had hmr or wmr approved for fox?


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Really? I asked my FEO minimum for Fox and he said they will only grant it on a .243 minimum!!!


Who is your firearms officer Nick?



Tell him to check with the department manager as that is ludicrous, check he knows that foxes are small and ginger and he hasn't mixed them up with cloven hoofed animals with Antlers.


I had pests and fox on my HMR for years with Herts and recently they just include them as pests. I find not asking the best way forward as it begs a FEO to make his own rules up

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Thats ridiculus.


This is direct from the horses mouth (well, his email actually);


We do not approve any rimfire for foxes. I am aware that some people use them if the fox is close enough but until, and if, it becomes an issue I will not go down that road. Usual calibres approved for fox are .243; .22-250; .223 or .204

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Interesting they added point 9 NB as thats pretty well not needed, I've not got that just the first bit that lists the lot.


Bob added vermin including fox onto a mate of mines HMR and indeed conditioned mine for pest control and fox before my last renewal. Then dropped the fox and I just have pest control now,

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i used to have Greg, now have Richard as my FLO.


Interesting wording on your FAC Nick, here in Northants they allow both 17HMR and 22LR for fox although i asked for the 22LR condition removed.

My FAC has both conditions 5&6 the same as yours but then has each individual calibre condition listed as to its use, what may be shot and where.

It then has the 22-250 listed again with a seperate condition regarding shooting muntjac and CWD.



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it's an "open" ticket, hence why it doesn't list land.

i think point 9 is just and old carry over from my old ticket as it's covered by points 5 and 7.


Nick, i have an open ticket and it does not list land, land never gets listed on an FAC.

What i mean is that i have this for each calibre;


"The 17HMR Rifle, sound moderator and ammunition shall be used for shooting fox, vermin and ground game and for zeroing on ranges or land over which the holder has lawful authority to shoot


The 22-250 Rifle, sound moderator and ammunition...........and so on.

I then have another condition for the 22-250 regarding the shooting of Muntjac and CWD


I also have a seperate target shooting condition for all my rifles.



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Also do bear in mind folks that there will be some discrepancy anyway, and there should be. Remember the law and the guidance state that each case should be looked at on individual merit. Therefore if an FEO sees one bloke who shoots foxes, for example at a stable, and one who shoots them across 1000 acres of open country, if the open country chap wants a rimfire, it's perfectly fair to say NO and get a bigger gun. If the other chap wants a rimfire with moderator, then his circumstance warrants a grant for fox with .22LR.


I know most of the time they have a policy (wrong) but sometimes they do it right, sometimes...


Anyway, Northants, and I have the lovely 'any other legal quarry' on mine, so when the chance presents itself I can shoot Charlie with the .22LR. All my other rifles have fox specifically as well, but seems a little daft with the "any other" wording. but there you go!

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