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Clay Grounds Nr Birmingham

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Can anybody recommend any decent (and preferably cheap!) clay grounds near Birmingham/West Midlands?


I'm at University so anywhere nearish a train station would be perfect!


Thanks in advance for any suggestions :)

Does your uni have a "clay club" as either a sport or society? Becoming quite popular http://www.bucs.org.uk/sport.asp?section=957tab=2 if there is no uni clay club you should just need 12 peopel to set one up then have a uni minibus on wednesday afternoon to take you! If there is a Rifle or archery club suggest it to them as one off to gauge interest.


A cheap one you would need transport too 45 min from brum is http://tjhaleclayshooting.com/


Also http://forhillsg.co.uk/ and http://www.hillwoottoncclub.madasafish.com/ I don't know of any anywhere that are walking distance from a station. As all tend to be rural locations.

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As recommended above there is hill wooton where I shoot every other Sunday, if you can get to warwick then it is not far from there (maybe on a bike?) or there is the club associated with us at hill wooton called the falcon which is also near Warwick and on the other alternate Sunday.


There is also clay ground on the edge of Warwick at wedgenock but there are a lot more expensive than the other two.


Are you at the university of Birmingham? I was there for 5 years and there was not a clay club then...maybe you should start one up...plenty of room on the vale lol!

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Thanks for all the help so far! At the uni of Birmingham, staying on the Vale. There's still no clay club here, was thinking of setting it up in fact! I have a bike..need to find a way of getting some shooting! It's been a bit of a contrast coming from rural Cornwall where shooting everyday wasn't a problem to Birmingham. I'll ask around and see if i can get a group together.

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I'll ask around and see if i can get a group together.

I't shound't be that hard to set up a society/club for target/clay shooting


Looking at the list of societies there are plenty of related ones which may yield prospective members....Contact the Guild to find out the requirements to become a society and also http://www.sport.bham.ac.uk/contact/ about setting up a new sport.



Just watch out for weirdo's never saw this at my freshers fair!


Bham Uni Society

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Can anybody recommend any decent (and preferably cheap!) clay grounds near Birmingham/West Midlands?


I'm at University so anywhere nearish a train station would be perfect!


Thanks in advance for any suggestions :)


Hi george,


I would have suggested Dumbles in Coleshill, as there is a train from New Street to Coleshill every 30 mins and you could then bike up to the ground. Unfortunately they have lost the ground there but as they are looking for a new patch I will let you know when I hear.


Soooo the next best option would be Bentley Clay Club, http://bentleyclayclub.wordpress.com/ gives you the shoot days and prices.


They are about 4.5 miles outside Coleshill so you would need your bike again, theyre shooting this Sunday so if youre interested let me know and I will give you some detailed directions.


Hope this helps



Edited by D_No
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