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Hi,Im new to this site and I'll be looking to upgrade my current springer air rifle in the Spring to a PCP. I've seen a few for sale but the seller says "PM" me. What does PM mean and how do you do it? I've currently got permission to shoot at my local Golf Club, of which I'm a member, but Crows and Magpies are proving difficult to sort out. Regards, Peg.

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Hi,Im new to this site and I'll be looking to upgrade my current springer air rifle in the Spring to a PCP. I've seen a few for sale but the seller says "PM" me. What does PM mean and how do you do it? I've currently got permission to shoot at my local Golf Club, of which I'm a member, but Crows and Magpies are proving difficult to sort out. Regards, Peg.


PM = Private Message. If you look to the left of this window you will see an image of an envelope (MY private envelope if you like) - click on it and write you message in there if you were sending me a private message. You can practice on me if you do in in the next few minutes, then go the sellers page and click on his little 'private envelope.

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Hi pegasus and welcome to the site.Crows and Magpies are some oif the hardest critters to nail with an airgun so dont worry too much-we,re all in the same boat.If you are shooting on a Golf course do they tend to hang around the buildings? (maybe there,s bins outside to attract them)-if so then this is the best place to shoot them-maybe early mornings with prior permission before anyone else is around.Spend some time getting used to your new PCP and you will most likely find that your effective hunting range will increase due to the clinical accuracy of the gun-this could well be the advantage you need to deal with the corvids.As we enter the spring you will also find both birds will react to single decoy more then at any other time-buy or borrow one of each and see what develops-best of luck and keep us up to date with your choice of gun-regards-bruno.

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Welcome to the world of PW! It might also be worth checking out the vids on youtube by huntersVermin. all the vids arewell put together and have plenty of hints and tips that might be useful! have a flick through them all. a lot of them are good for shooting around buildings, which might be of use with your permission! let us know how you get on! pop a photo up on the photos section for us all to have a look at when you get your pcp!


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