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I reported on PW a number of weeks ago that we had sighted, and then trapped RED Squirrels on our shoot.


Whilst this was excellent news, its turning out to be a potential problem.


Most shoots control the GREYS and other vermin by the use of MK4 & MK6 Fenn traps and deriviatives thereof. Obviously these traps can not discriminate between RED or GREY, and we therefore need to carefully consider our use of Fenns in the future.


I've contacted various bodies to do with preserving our native REDS, and whilst all are pleased to receive the news, and have entered into dialogue with regards to advise and tips on trapping, none have been able to meet what I felt was a simple request. That being the loan of some live catch traps to establish the spread of REDS on our shoot, and therefore allow us to make best use of the limited equipment that we have. The shoot funds won't stretch to replacing all or even a small fraction of the existing Fenns with live catch traps. We want to do our bit, but we only currently have 2 cage traps.


I'm now considering designing and making our own cage trap for squirrels. One correspondent who offered loads of tips on trapping GREYs, mentioned a trap that had a hole in it which allowed any trapped REDS to escape, but the size of the hole was such that a GREY could not escape. Unfortunatly he couldn't remember either the size of the hole or the maker of the trap, but I do like the idea of this low stress trap, and accept that young GREYS may well escape.


I therefore wondered if any PW members in the North West had any Live Catch Squirrel Traps that they could either donate, or loan to the shoot?

I also wondered if any PW member could advise the correct size for the hole to allow REDS to pass through, but retain adult GREYS, as I wish to incorporate this feature into my traps.



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If you needed to there would be many an airgunner and I am sure member's on here willing to help if permission was granted.

can`t see that working, I wouldn`t want a load of airgunners running/walking around, your bound to get some numpties jumping on the band wagon.

we only have 300 acres but policing it is ni on impossible 3,000 he`d need an army to watch the army of airgunners.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Jim our keeper and I had very interesting meeting yesterday, with a very nice young lady from the Lancashire Wildlife Trust. She is employed to trap greys in certain areas to protect the population of Red Squirrels in a reserve and surrounding buffer zone.


She was very pleased to learn that we had Reds on the shoot, and thankfull for us having ceased the use of Fenn traps. We both picked up a few tips, and we agreed a strategy to live catch trap our various woods and spinneys. She confirmed that the Reds probably only still exist on our patch due to the activities of the shoot and our keeper who has done an excellent job in keeping the number of greys down. We now need to try and move up a gear or two and try to erradicate the greys from our patch. If we can get a couple of years productive breeding from the Reds they can go on and thrive.


The trust have loaned us 10 live catch traps, and promised some others when they can be collected from Anglesey, where they have managed to erradicate any greys, and reintroduce the Reds with great success. I've offered to provide the transport for the traps for free.

I'm looking forward to another meeting sometime in the future, she can set my trap any day!



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