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recoil pad..?


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im after a new recoil pad for me shotty, and i've measured the length at the end of the stock at its 5 1/4'', but most of the pads of seen on t'net are for 5 3/4 or 5 1/2''. will these do if they are cut and grinded to shape???


or does anyone know where to get some to fit?



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i wasnt planning on doing it meself, as i'd only **** it up!


but i was just wondering if i bought a 5 1/2'' one of the net, would it be possible to fit it to me gun..

Your like me then


Give me something mechanical and i am a wizz


Give me something delicate and i knack it :thumbs:



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The whole "grind to fit " thing sounds a lot scarier than it really is. I bought a Kickeez and decided to have a go at fitting it myself. I was rushing to remove the excess pad with all manner of implements. Thankfully Fister came round to see what a balls-up I was making of it and he suggested a different approach. You need to use the right grade sandpaper (fairly rough but not too rough). I think we used 60 grit on one of those rubber sanding blocks. The pad comes down to the profile of the stock quite quickly. Don't forget to protect the stock with masking tape at the join, I scratched mine a bit 'cos I rushed it too much. If you take more time you can do a really good job.

The attached (I hope!) pic shows the rough finished pad, you can smooth them off with finer paper when you're happy with the profile.


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