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Columbus Polumbus

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Has anyone got plans for those rabbit traps the ones that the rabbit goes into the tunnel and the floor falls away droping the rabbit into a box or cage underground. Can't remember the exact name of what its called but you get the idea. Me getting desperate and my wife starting to think of me as a vegitarian and billing me for the damage. Willing to do swap for other plans if needed.


Thanks guys

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I am familiar with the traps you describe, but if you are having problems with rabbits, there other methods you can use.


If you can,t use a shotgun, what about an air rifle ?

Can you set snares ?

Or, locate where they live and find someone with some ferrets and nets.

That would solve the problem. ;)

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Hi Cranfield


I have all those tools in my armoury but I have to shoot around animals etc which is making wifey v. nervous hence I have read about these traps. basically from what I can see from the pictures they are about 700mm Long x 450mm Deep x 700mm High. Lets assume this is made of two inch square wire mesh. On top goes a wooden platform (lid) that is hinged down the center line of the depth (700mm apart). On top of this a tunnel is fitted 700mm long that good 'ol bunny hops into only to find that the floor drops away depositing said bunny into the wire mesh area that you bury underground so that the tunnel is flush with the surrounding terrain and the only bit protruding is the tunnel itself. You check inaccordance with the legal requirements, as it is a live catch trap and dispose of bunnys by humane despatch. When bunny is safely deposited, the floor returns to the horizontal position, thus setting itself for the next customer and containing bunny below. Think they may be called fall traps???


Hey presto!! (cant spell voila) :*)



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I know what traps you mean i thought of making one myself the only problem was you can only realy use them on well used runs. i wanted mine for some stables were i do the rabbit control but the rabbits had no set runs so it would not have worked very well so i brought my self 3 rabbit cage traps which i bait with carrot and lettuce instead place them outside the warrens and before you know it that warren is cleared i have caught approx 100 rabbits this year and it is more effective now the youger ones are about.

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Thanks guys


YP Thanks I might try that. My only gripe is, here in the UK things are so expensive that I try to make a lot of my own traps etc and begrudge paying £30 for a simple wire trap. Have you any plans?


But on reflection I guess if it is going to get me out of the cr*p with "er in doors" I might just have to think about dippin into me black fund. I too originate from Yorkshire and yearn to go back............. maybe one day.


Vimm: I don't know how to long net plus it not practical here they live on someone else's land which I can't get permission on. ;)

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Your "neighbour" has a responsibility to control the vermin on his land, if it is causing damage to other peoples property.

A visit to your local Council Offices could result in him getting a letter reminding him of this fact and the fines he could be liable to, if he ignores it.


Alternatively. approch the "neighbour", point out the problem and your keeness to resolve it for him.


Goodbye Rabbits. ;)

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Hi Yorki i think your trying to suggest that i dont now how to drop a net on a sett??

Or to lift one for that matter??

Im kind of new here and i dont realy know anyone BUT if the guy was worthy of me showing him some technique`s then id show him the Real Deal pegger`s way.



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Just out of intrest Yorki what method of Long netting do you use and what type of nets,pegs and so forth. Just wondering do you have photo`s available to novice pegger`s?

And how do i get picture`s up on this poxy thing?



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I use a 50 foot longnet with them there glassfiber poles . drop 1 end peg run out drop other peg and peg up inbetween . Still learning me craft mate . need atleast another 3 yrs practice.

posting photo's wise the only way i know is go to the photo's forum and u can upload from your puter .


all the best yis yp :ph34r:

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I think what your trying to explain is the Ready sett Method.

But buy your description your going about it **** over ***, lol.

But breifly going back to columus if the Rabbits are travling onto your ground from another your best bet is to place a net in between.

Either a traditional or a ready set type.

If the rabbits are kind of jumpey you could use a drop net system.

there`s many many way`s how to remove these unwanted raider`s.

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