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As promised, below are pics of when i use to have lurchers in the early '90s.

I was a lot younger then, with more energy!! Much more then i have now. :lol:

I use to walk everywhere with them and do a good bit of lamping.

I also had ferrets and cycled with ferret box on back to go ferreting, was quiet sucssesfull, coming back with 13 odd bunnys. :lol:


Why dont i have them still you may ask. Well the whole lot got stolen on me when i went shoping into my local town, all i will say is that at the time, some Tinkers were camped not too far away and i have a notion they lifted the lot!!! :) B)

I contacted the police, but it seemed they had moved on and hard to track down. :thumbs:

I was thrown back with all that had happened and never really got into it again, instead, i increased my gun collection and got more into shooting.

I am thinking of getting some ferrets this summer, ill see how it goes. B)

Pics below, hope i have not bored you all?? :lol:

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As promised, below are pics of when i use to have lurchers in the early '90s.

I was a lot younger then, with more energy!! Much more then i have now. :lol:

I use to walk everywhere with them and do a good bit of lamping.

I also had ferrets and cycled with ferret ox on back to go ferreting, was quiet sucssesfull, coming back with 13 odd bunnys. :lol:


Why dont i have them still you may ask. Well the whole lot got stolen on me when i went shoping into my local town, all i will say is that at the time, some Tinkers were camped not too far away and i have a notion they lifted the lot!!! :) B)

I contacted the police, but it seemed they had moved on and hard to track down. :thumbs:

I was thrown back with all that had happened and never really got into it again, instead, i increased my gun collection and got more into shooting.

I am thinking of getting some ferrets this summer, ill see how it goes. B)

Pics below, hope i have not bored you all?? :lol:

Frank i hope thats not your b*ll*cks that you got on display.........keep em clean mate :*)

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Frank i hope thats not your b*ll*cks that you got on display.........keep em clean mate :*)

:) Just noticed that :thumbs: :*) O my god :lol::lol:

Sorry miffy, i must of riped me togs going over a fence. :lol:

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Frank i hope thats not your b*ll*cks that you got on display.........keep em clean mate :*)

:lol: Just noticed that :lol: :*) O my god :lol: B)

Sorry miffy, i must of riped me togs going over a fence. :(

Just remember there's children on here **** B) :( :(


Nice pics by the way keep em comin :thumbs: :)

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Frank i hope thats not your b*ll*cks that you got on display.........keep em clean mate :*)

:lol: Just noticed that :lol: :*) O my god :lol: B)

Sorry miffy, i must of riped me togs going over a fence. :lol:

Just remember there's children on here **** B) :( :(


Nice pics by the way keep em comin :thumbs: :)

Thanks Miffy, i have a couple more, ill try and find them. :lol:


Luckly, its my leg thats showing and not my you know what!! :*) :(

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its a rotten thing to happen frank.. :< ...makes ma blood boil mate..but i could never be without one, and it would make me all the more determined to start over again..thing is its hard to replace the ones you had

Tell me about it, it knocked the stuffing out of me at the time.

They were great workers and were allways tying to please.

The ****rs that took them would never look after them the way i did and to think what could of happened to them, not worth thinking about.

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