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new comer tips always welcome


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hello there


after going shooting rats with my dad many moons ago i have now got kids of my own and decided to get a gun and take up shooting again after many many many years.

i bought a bsa lightening xl and started off down the local lanes but everything changed and im still waiting on my first rabbit mainly just taking my 6 year old with targets but also got permission for some land but keep failing to get a clean shot so held back on shooting any advise on getting my first rabbit.i buy alot of game birds from local market and wouldnt mind bagging a pheasent but ive been told they are out of season.



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Rabbits are mainly nocturnal so best results will either be with a lamp, or at dawn or dusk. Having said that, this time of year particularly with the good weather we've had, they can be found out sunning themselves all day. Get yourself in cover in position overlooking a warren, within air rifle range (40 yds max) and ambush. More challenging is to stalk them downwind along a likely bank or hedgerow for cover.


Get loads of practice, at both shooting and judging range (because of loopy air rifle trajectories) and don't go out until you can hit a ping pong ball sized object (or better yet a 10 pence piece) consistently at any range within the 40 yards.


Not sure about the local lanes bit, sounds like a recipe for an armed trespass charge! :hmm: Pleased you've now got permission :good:


Pheasants are off limits until October 1st and shooting them with an air rifle is very controversial. There are plenty of threads about it on here, do a search and make your own mind up.


Safe shooting and welcome to the site.

Edited by Blunderbuss
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nice one cheers

my friend has a good lamp and we have been out a couple of times with it but i cant really get into the night time thing if im sitting in a field at night i want a beer with me so think ill start the early morning hunt see how that goes.


again cheers for advice its always welcomed

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"started off down the local lanes"? Is that not armed trespass plus carrying a firearm in a public place? "would,nt mind bagging a peasant"? controversial to say the least and the final **** in the water pipe "but i,ve been told that they are out of season"-you mean you did,nt know?-you are out hunting and dont even know the seasons?Is this a wind up or what?

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"started off down the local lanes"? Is that not armed trespass plus carrying a firearm in a public place? "would,nt mind bagging a peasant"? controversial to say the least and the final **** in the water pipe "but i,ve been told that they are out of season"-you mean you did,nt know?-you are out hunting and dont even know the seasons?Is this a wind up or what?


Give him a break. At least he's asking for advice and clearly willing to learn. A bit of encouragement and advice costs nowt.


How's he supposed to know unless he asks?

Edited by Blunderbuss
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Clearly you are right Mr Blunderbuss-I can see how thinking that it is o.k. to carry a firearm "down our local lanes"is a mistake easily made.And I suppose that it is painfully difficult to find out when the closed season is or, for that matter,what quarry is acceptable as fair game for Airguns.I must learn to be more tolerant.

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Clearly you are right Mr Blunderbuss-I can see how thinking that it is o.k. to carry a firearm "down our local lanes"is a mistake easily made.


It's a mistake yes, but which is the best option, educating him or sharpening the pitchfork and screaming "burn him"? Perhaps if he sticks around and keeps asking questions - without fear of ridicule or scorn, he might go on to enjoy a safe shooting career.


And I suppose that it is painfully difficult to find out when the closed season is


No, and it seems he's managed it all by himself :)


or, for that matter,what quarry is acceptable as fair game for Airguns.


Maybe you were born with this knowledge, others had to ask. Isn't a shooting forum a good place for such lesser mortals to find out? :hmm:


I must learn to be more tolerant.



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1/ Neither-the best option is to find out the legal places to shoot before venturing forth.2/He clearly states that he buys a lot of game birds from his local market-did he not notice that they had suddenly gone from the stalls and ever wonder why?-yet he says he had to be told!3/At no point in his post did he ask if pheasants were considered a suitable quarry for airguns-his intention was to shoot one until he was informed that the season had ended.4/ :hmm::no:

Edited by bruno22rf
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1/ Neither-the best option is to find out the legal places to shoot before venturing forth.2/He clearly states that he buys a lot of game birds from his local market-did he not notice that they had suddenly gone from the stalls and ever wonder why?-yet he says he had to be told!3/At no point in his post did he ask if peasants were considered a suitable quarry for airguns-his intention was to shoot one until he was informed that the season had ended.4/ :hmm::no:


Nobody is born knowing this stuff, everyone has to find out from somewhere. How did you find out when pheasants were in season or what is suitable quarry for an airgun? Maybe you had a good mentor, read it in a book, on the BASC website, asked a mate - who knows? Would any of that make someone a better person than someone who had to find out on an internet forum?


What's obvious to one person is a mystery to others, does that mean they're not allowed to ask? This guy has said he's new to shooting and has asked for help. Clearly there are some gaps in his knowledge. Two choices as far as I can see, try to help or get on your high horse and give him a hard time. I've made my choice :)

Edited by Blunderbuss
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"started off down the local lanes"? Is that not armed trespass plus carrying a firearm in a public place? "would,nt mind bagging a peasant"? controversial to say the least and the final **** in the water pipe "but i,ve been told that they are out of season"-you mean you did,nt know?-you are out hunting and dont even know the seasons?Is this a wind up or what?

yes its a wind up we are all realy know it all sweet hearts who have never done a thing rong, maybe thats just me :D why dont you help the guy out insted of jumping on him

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Final comment-Mr BB-He DIDNT ask for advice on seasons.My original post said,pretty much,the same as yours concerning legal/moral issues-it was simply dressed differently.Cant remember where or when I first learned about closed seasons but I do remember doing a whole load of studying BEFORE I went shooting-would,nt have really mattered in my case anyway cos I dont shoot game birds (with any gun).

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hello there


after going shooting rats with my dad many moons ago i have now got kids of my own and decided to get a gun and take up shooting again after many many many years.

i bought a bsa lightening xl and started off down the local lanes but everything changed and im still waiting on my first rabbit mainly just taking my 6 year old with targets but also got permission for some land but keep failing to get a clean shot so held back on shooting any advise on getting my first rabbit.i buy alot of game birds from local market and wouldnt mind bagging a pheasent but ive been told they are out of season.



My advise would be to keep practicing at the targets until you are confident that you can get a clean kill with one pellet. Then practice judging distances as this can be the hardest thing to do, especially in the field - just 5 yards further or closer and your pellet can be 1/2" away from where you think it should be.


I'm glad you say you have a permission but have a look at the BASC website for appropriate quarry for air rifles and, as the legal implications of getting things wrong are pretty serious, I would check out the the relevant laws on where, what and how to shoot safely and legaly.


When you feel confident in your capabilities then you can get out and shoot live quarry, which is where field craft comes in. Stalking and ambushing have their own skills and Pigeon Watch is a great resource for fact-finding, just use the search function and you'll have all the tips you will need.


Hope you and your son have good, safe and legal fun.


All the best.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"started off down the local lanes"? Is that not armed trespass plus carrying a firearm in a public place? "would,nt mind bagging a peasant"? controversial to say the least and the final **** in the water pipe "but i,ve been told that they are out of season"-you mean you did,nt know?-you are out hunting and dont even know the seasons?Is this a wind up or what?



DONT mistake me for some idiot that walks down the local lanes waving my gun at everything 4 times out of the last 5 times going it never came outta the bag and i go to remote spots or euroguns range with my son to shoot paper targets as i dont know the full ins and outs of this sport so do me a favour and save your jobsworth comments for the kids.


to everyone else thank you for the advise it is appreciated i now have a full download of rules and reg's along with a quarry season chart as well as permission for a few more fields but after pulling my back at work looks like ill be hanging the gun up for a while.



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