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Ok IV been shooting birds for a while now (Just over a year). I usually shoot pigeons rooks and crows when my dad is ploughing a field it’s a case of standing in the field he is in, with him watching me from the tractor or sometimes he gets out and gives us a hand and we shoot anything that comes in Pigeon wise. I sometimes go to my uncles He is a keeper and basically taught me how to shoot (My dad aint to good!)

I’m 15 now and am going to apply for my own shotgun certificate so I don’t have to use dads, after that I want to get into some serious pigeon decoying from the hide on my own unsupervised.

Could you recommend any descent kit I don’t have much yet just a gun (20 Bore o/u) a bit of cammo net oh and a huge backpack that my uncle got me for carrying things in I think its one of those ex army ones any way it could carry a hell of a lot. I also have a good seat. So is there any kit you could recommend me what do I need to start out?


Iv got only £150 to start off but dad says he wants to give it a go so I might be lucky!


P.S IV only been proper decoying once with the Gamekeeper It was great but we had a Pigeon Magnet I don’t think I could afford one. Iv got 2000 Acers to shoot over and my dad’s boss says its possible for me to go over to his estate to shoot when I’m

Invited. I’m also a member of the BASC.



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Big Dave, you are lucky to have all the main ingredients already. :devil:


Your interest, your Dads support, a good gun, land to shoot over, what more could a young pigeon shooter want ? :)


Decoys are the main things missing.

Everyone has a personal opinion about these.

I use some flocked and some "normal" decoys.

The flocked ones are significantly more expensive and I am still not convinced about their durability.

I cannot prove whether they attract the pigeons better, than the much cheaper, durable, "normal" decoys either (and I don,t believe anyone else can).

So that decision is yours....flocked or not flocked.


I also use a lot more shell decoys , than full bodied.

They are lighter to carry and you can get loads more in your decoy bag.

Try to get the decoy pegs with the adjustable spring at the top, they are more expensive than most pegs, but they are brilliant for getting realistic movement in your decoys.


Floaters, Landers and Dead Bird Cradles are also a matter of choice.

I like Floaters and will set them out with the first dead birds shot (or taken from the freezer), even before setting up a rotary device.


Don,t waste too much money on camouflage clothing.

If you wear drab coloured clothes and have a good hide, you don,t need expensive cammo gear.

That can come later. ???


I deliberately haven,t mentioned any Suppliers names.

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Thanks Cranfield.

My dad brought me "The Pigeon Shooter" By John Batley

is a great book and I have learnt many things from it i sort of know how to build a hide and the pages on this site and The Pigeon Watch main page have been very usefull. So I think all I need are some decoys a few hide poles and net. Iv got some cammo clothes from my air gunning days and like you said once the hides built I should be well on my way. Iv seen some wire type holders they hold a dead bird or decoy off the ground so it looks like Its flying so I might go for one or two of them as well. I cant wait! :devil:

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As "ol faithful"(sorry cranners don't take offence)said you all ready have all the MAIN ingredients.

I would invest £40 in an old chest freezer to keep the dead fully flocked pigeons in as yer mum will not be impressed with "real" ones in her freezer. Then i would go down the scrap yard and invest £3 in a cars wiper motor(for your home made magnet) scrounge a battery from the farm where your dad works/owns? a bit of scrap metal for the support and the arms and your almost set ..... £10 worth of plastic decoys (remember your keeping the real ones you shoot fully flocked in the freezer ) and your set!!!


all the best yis yp :ph34r:

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Thanks Yorkshire pudding my dad was on about making a pigeon magnet type devise I didnt really belive that he could do it but a couple of farmers my dad new used to make them to bring in the odd pidgeon or to. My dad works on the farm and sometimes helps the gamekeeper out He got me into beating on the estate shoot, someone invited me Pigeon Shooting with the keeper I went and I was Hooked! :devil:

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Bigdave, can i suggest something? You maybe not like it but im gonna say it anyway. Try and get more shooting under your belt before you go out with the gun yourself, I know its legal to but accidents happen. Also what if a big tree hugger takes offense to you blasting gods creatues away..... i have been shooting for about 2-3 years with a shotgun and i wouldnt go out myself, But im kinda more urban than you, people about here dont understand guns and stuff

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Big Dave 14 Or is it 15 now:


I was lucky when I was growing up to have property to shoot on aswell. You are also lucky to have a father that is into the same interests, as you that doesn't happen all that often. There is really nothing to add to the advise that Cranfield and Yorkshire have given you except never be shy about asking when things don't go right, and remember to ask your dear old dad to go with you when you have your own permit.


Happy shooting........NTTF

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My G.P is going to be a referee for my lisence. I know it sound stupid but iv known him since I was little and we even went fishing together a while back he's a great laugh. I gess I do need more to learn about shooting Im getting better but I must admit Im no way near the sort of skill of my mates I cant get over it but most people in my familey have shot rifles Most of my Aunts Uncles were into shooting deer alough my uncle is a gamekeeper and he lets me practice on his clay trap i did get quite good on that before I started shooting at live birds.


New to the flock

Do you hunt on public grounds or on private lands? My friends Dad went over to The U.S and said there are some places you can go were you can hunt for free provided you have a licence or a permit is this the same in Canada? I would love to go Moose hunting I dont know why I just love moose ever since I was little Iv wanted to go and bag one I think its Just because there the biggest of the deer familey still I bet they look good on the wall! :devil:

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With the exception of most provincial and all national parks, you can hunt on all crown land for free. The only time you pay is if you want to hunt a piece of private land and the owner deciedes to be a **** and charge an access fee. (usually a townie that has moved to the country). We have 100,000's of acres of crown land available in Ontario.

I personally hunt my small game on the faimly holdings, (250 acres),or friends holdings.I would say in total I have about 800 acres of play ground. However I usually shoot right out the back door about 110 acres, not huge but contains ruffed grouse, woodcock, geese, ducks, wild turkey, whitetailed deed, rabbits, fox and coyotte. oops forgot squirrels, crows, and racoons.

Moose are great fun to hunt, but a lot of hard work to bring out after the shot. There is a reason we call them swamp donkeys.

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Swamp Donkeys ! :devil: They look prettty dumb but I bet there Just as brainy as deer though. I wish they had Crown Land In The U.K i would love to have a change of Hunting scenes once in a while still most of the best trophy animals in this country are on private managed land so i gess were lucky.

Do you know any game wardens Park rangers Iv always wanted to be one! ???

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