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Puter problem


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Two problems actually. Both probably "Kinder related"


1. Outlook express suddenly won't let me click on a link in an email. It closes itself down for some reason.


2. This forum. I can load it and navigate it no problem but have to refresh it to get current postings. eg say I access this part (General Banter) once I'm in if I don't refresh the page it maybe shows December as the last post.


Bluddy spooky if yer asks me. Any ideas? I've run virus checkers and malware jobbies.



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It does sound as though you may have some spyware on your system, but if you have run Adaware etc., that would find it.


Outlook Express did something similar to me a few years ago and in desperation, I reloaded it.

All worked pefectly ever since.


Hopefully, someone will come along with some alternative suggestions. :thumbs:

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Sounds like you need to format that PC Dave and start from scratch.

Have a look in “run” - “msconfig” – “startup” and see if there are any programs running such as 180 search assistant, or Zango.

Have a look at this site and see if there is anything on there that shouldn’t be-


Just type the startup commands into the search box and it will tell you if you need them or not.


Edited by Gemini
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One of the worst things for allowing spyware etc into your computer or OE is those bloody emoticons that are advertised to use with your email messages. They let in all the **** under the sun with them. :<


Another haven for spyware and other related germs, are the funny video sites that get posted on here sometimes.


If you visit these places, be sure to clean your PC afterwards.

I have found as many as 15 items, when I have done this. :thumbs:

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Drastic then?


I've only just mastered the vodeo.  Now this. ;)  :thumbs:





what is a VODEO :lol:?:lol:?:lol:? :blink: :D:):)

its a wakey thing,they have only just got electric back on after the war. :D

wait while mrs k finds out, he,ll be banned of it again. :( :ernyha:

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Drastic then?


I've only just mastered the vodeo.  Now this. ;)  :thumbs:





what is a VODEO :D?????????:D:):) :(

its a wakey thing,they have only just got electric back on after the war. :D

wait while mrs k finds out, he,ll be banned of it again. :ernyha::lol:

Hawkeye, I told you it had gone tits up. So why can't my vodeo have gone the same way? :D


Mark, a tip for you. Try not to use a match to light an electric cooker

(sorry, best I could think of I've been in a meeting with our nice police peoples all afternoon) :o





her indoors says you're a dead man on here as well :lol::lol:;):D:D :blink:



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(sorry, best I could think of I've been in a meeting with our nice police peoples all afternoon)





it'snot pc -personal computer.



U BEEN a Naught Boy Then?:thumbs:?:blink:?:D?


:*) :*) :*) :*) :*)

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