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Need advice about my first starter scope


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I have had three Tascos over the years, all failed pretty quickly. I have a Simmons in the budget divison, it works very well for the price. Not sure what their current quality is like though.


What sort of budget, I would be looking at higher quality fixed power used scope. Target shooting normally requires a higher magnification, if you are also using for rifle for pest control then you may have to compromise. a 4 or 6 x fixed power is ample for rabbits etc with a rimmy.


There is a Luepold 6x42 here at 150 and a Weaver variable at 180, both will do a far better job for you that a cheapo scope.






Edited by Alycidon
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Much depends on your budget mate! Why not give us an idea what you want to spend and we might be able to advise you better?

If I were given the choice I would go for a Simmons. They are reasonably priced, very good build quality and very good clear optics and they do come up second hand from time to time. I have a Simmons Pro Hunter on my .243 and can't fault it for a "budget scope" as it cost me under £50 second hand with mounts.

I did have a Tasco on my .22LR but the reticule adjucter went on it - This however could have been a one off so I am not going to knock them as I have a Tasco World Class on my 17HMR but haven't had it long enough to offer any "review" on it!

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I initially had a Hawke Nite-eye 3x9-50 IR on my .22lr and it was great value for money £50 of ebay. It never lost zero and was very good for what I wanted it to do.


I now have a Simmons Aetec 3.8x12-44 on my .22lr, again very good value for money @ £80 2nd hand, the glass on it is slightly better than the Hawke but to be honest it is too much zoom for my .22lr. I am going to move the Simmons onto my .223 when it comes to try it and then I will put the Hawke back onto the .22lr.

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your choice of scope for your 22 and for a 308/222 are entirely different.


I have a £40 2nd hand Walther 4-9x40IR on my 22. works a charm. air rifle scopes on rimfire especially the shorter range 22 ones are fine.


get a decent brand for your centrefire. the recoil will kill a cheap scope, not to mention the potential loss of zero before you get that far.


£200 can get you a lot of scope second hand

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