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hunting from helicopter

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how so?

what did you not see that I did?

he has some directly underneath and next to him at no more that 10-15yds.


count the shots and count the hits and tell me he doesnt need to practice more......


You are OBVIOUSLY right.... it's OBVIOUSLY dead easy... he OBVIOUSLY needs to practice more :rolleyes:


And you would know this because?......... :hmm:

Edited by Vipa
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Again the person writting this stuff has for some reason decieded that the person shooting is inept and needs to go and pass an exam, that there were injured animals left to die in pain etc etc, you couldnt write anything more likely to have been lifted from a campaign to outlaw shooting, and what really peeves me they have not a clue about what is happening

Most of us on here couldnt hit a bus let alone a charging pig from a helicopter. The cost of putting a chopper in the sky for even an hour is very high, these guys would be at it 10 hours a day for a week or more to eradicate the pigs, believe me they dont just drag any old shooter of the streets do do this, its a big investment, which may tell you the cost of the damage thats being done,



ok ok for some reason you got a bee in your bonnet and have turned this into a personal thing so this is my last post on subject i,ve TRIED to clarify my point but unfortunately you still want to look at threw your one vision glasses .




stick it ....


Nice argument, but I will explain the difference between ourselves, yours is an opinion based on watching a clip for a few mins, mine is based on actual experience, I was employed at the end of the 80's begining of the 90's in New Zealand to shoot and cull deer from a helicopter.

So I wont be as rude as you were in your last post, but I am sure you get the gist of what I am saying

ATB doc

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i was talking to my buddy in NZ about this and he pointed me in the direction of this video that shows shooting from a heli, dispatch and pick up


again its not me, its not my buddy just a video for reference.





the second video is a much better view of this method of control and as such i have no problem with itas a means to do so .

as said previously my comments were on the way it was depicted in the first video.

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Nice argument, but I will explain the difference between ourselves, yours is an opinion based on watching a clip for a few mins, mine is based on actual experience, I was employed at the end of the 80's begining of the 90's in New Zealand to shoot and cull deer from a helicopter.

So I wont be as rude as you were in your last post, but I am sure you get the gist of what I am saying

ATB doc


I found a video of you Doc, you need some practice mate :yes:




Edited by chrispti
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I think there were some difficult shots made there. At an earlier point of my life I would have said that looked cruel. Now I am not so sure because when you consider nature on the whole there is rarely a swift death to any animal that has been hunted by prey. It made me really annoyed when I watched a seagull pin down a feral pigeon and peck at it until it was dead. I was in traffic and it took perhaps a minute of more before it was dead. I felt like getting out to chase it away but I then considered that the seagull may not have eaten for some time......Scenarios like this happen countless times every day in nature alone.

What is an issue is being deliberately cruel or prolonging death on purpose. If the numbers of hogs are in serious need of control and that is the most efficient way of controlling them so be it. I would rather see that than poisoning etc!!

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Like I said... 'ere we go again...


There ae those that find deer stalking disgusting and sickening, think shooting pheasant a disgrace, find shooting pigeon barbaric and shooting foxes just damned cruel.


There are also those that find the killing of any animal for food abhorrent, they are called vegies and even those who think it is unnacceptable to farm animals for their milk... they are the Vegans..


Bearing in mind that something like 75% (and rising) of all abbatoirs now produce Halal meat to ensure the Muslim population aren't accidentally offended I don't think ANY of us are in a position to criticize someone elses hunting methods. This type of hunting also goes on quite a lot in South Africa simply because you just couldn't do it any other way, the areas are so vast. Us brits don't really have much idea as to just how small the UK really is, it would probably fit quite a few times into Texas alone and the areas these guys are shooting over could be hundreds of miles long.


And before all you internet snipers start getting over excited... don't bother criticizing the marksmanship until you have tried shooting from a moving platform, especially on a steep downward angle.... It isn't easy at all!

spot on !

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