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FAC/SC revoked

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I have known several people over the years who have had drink drive convictions. Some of them I would be very comfortable with them having SGC FAC and others shouldnt be allowed a water pistol. While being unfair to some I believe It probably is a useful indicator of a persons suitability as a SGC FAC holder. Most of the people I know who have a Drink Drive Conviction are "Drinkers" and are usually serial offenders but they still bemoan the fact they were unlucky or some ****** dobbed them in. I am sure there are people who try to be sensible and take sensible precautions who just fall foul of the set limit and who are unlucky but I would warrant a guess that they are in a minority. I grew up in an age when people regularly drove home after a few pints and It was tolerated It was even the norm I suppose You only didnt drive when you were staggering drunk. Times change and so have the laws and more importantly societies view has changed. Speeding is the new Drink Drive in Ten years or less Society will view a speeder as negatively as a Drink Driver is viewed today.

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30 units is like i say over a 70 cl bottle of scotch, should you have access to guns after drinking such an ammount not in my opinion as you are incapable of acting responsibly. i think you will find that those that "can handle" this sort of session will often be way over the drink drive limit when they actually appear perfectly sober, there is a reason why someones tollerance of alcohol goes that high.



Ok, next time Kdubya and I go out on a session we'll both go to our local police stations and hand in our cabinet keys, car keys, steak knives, blenders, garden tools or anything else remotely dangerous so that we don't hurt ourselves or others when we are so drunk we can't think straight.


I've come home drunk, really really drunk and not once have I thought "I know what, I'll go and get my shotgun out and run around the house with it naked other than one of my missus' thongs on my head." Nor do I get in my car (not matter how desperate I am for a kebab) and nor do I get the urge to chop my fingers off with a steak knife and pretend they are sausages.


If its a "you are irresponsible because you are damaging your body and you shouldn't have guns because of it" case then anyone who smokes 20 a day, has fish n chips on a friday or masturbates to babestation should also be banned, as these are also truly bad for you.


:ernyha: (hope you don't think my smiley is irresponsible, they're obviously smashed off their tits)

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Guest cookoff013

every year my copper friend, says they`ve always got set targets to meet when nabbing drink drivers...


usually they pull everyone over, over christmas, just to bump up the numbers of arrests.


i nearly got run down by a drunk driver when i was youunger.the driver put his engine block on the back seat when he crashed. it was a right mess.

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They have targets because somewhere along the line the government has decided drinking and driving is bad and has to be stamped out. Society in general backs this and drink drivers have become the devils spawn in the minds of the masses.There are now media campaigns against speeding at an attempt to make speeding socially unacceptable. It will happen. We are actually lucky to live in a society where these are the things the goverment and society in general are concerned about. We dont have to worry about dissapearing on our way to work because we spouted off online about how **** the Coalition Government are etc. We dont have to be worried about being kidnapped by rebels because we have earned a few bob and could pay a good ransom. It is frustrating at times to try and wade through bul**** and red tape but I suppose it is a small price to pay for our "freedom"

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If I want to commit suicide, taking my guns away ain't going to stop me, many other ways to go.


The Police dont see it like that. Its the same reason that 9 times out of 10 they wont grant you a licence if you've recently been treated for depression.

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do you realise the 30 units in one go is more than a std full bottle of wiskey :blink: (no not a litre bottle a 70cl). nothing much wrong with a drink or two or even the occasional session but if you doing this sort of ammount you have a few issues to address :yes: if you partake in this sort of drinking regulary are you realy saying such a person is a fit and proper person to hold guns and ammunition in thier home? for pities sake most healthy adults would be passed out on the hall floor with thier keys still dangling from the door lock if they managed to open it in the first place :rolleyes: after this sort of drinking people do very stupid things


Yeah I realise. As I said before I'm no serial drinker or alcoholic but I do put a fair bit back sometimes (and I do mean somethimes, perhaps once every six months and yes - I know it's bad for me :rolleyes: ).


Last major was a year ago to give you some idea. I went out at seven after filling my pockets with cash and a front door key. My wallet, regular keys etc were all put in the safe before I went out because I knew it could get messy and I didn't want to go over budget or lose them. I had about half a dozen double brandy and drambuie's and a litre bottle of Tequila in shot form (with some water breaks mixed in). I then ate a Kabab, walked some random girl to her taxi and then walked the three miles back to my house at about 1am. I let myself in, locked the door behind me, downed two pints of water and went to bed. I got up in the night to lose some of that water and then top up with another pint, then back to bed. Woke up in the morning, had a full english and carried on with my day doing a bit of tidying in the garden. I wasn't sick, didn't feel too bad either and can remember it all clearly.


Does this make me irresponsible? Maybe for my own health, but my guns are always safe as are others around me. I'm a friendly drunk - there's more chance of me hugging you to death than shooting you! :lol::blush:

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