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Taxidermy first attempt


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I've tanned a few hides and thought it was aboiut time I turned my hand to a bit of taxidermy. I've asked for a fox on here already but in the meantime I thought I'd do a rabbit since I can get those whenever I like.


So far I think it's not a bad first attempt since I've had no books or help to make it easy.


first off I carefully skinned the head and tanned it with Ktan




I then took a rabbit skull I already had and added putty to build up the flesh (just like the history channel :good: )

certainly not spending £15 on a polystyrene head for my first attempt!




once the skull was dry and the skin still moist I put the two together.




The skin is still wet now which is why it still looks a but straggly.

I keep checking on it to make sure it sits properly and looks right.

It still looks a bit evil but once ive sorted the eyes and mouth out hopefully it should look more like a normal rabbit!

If it still looks evil once its finished I might make it into a jackalope instead and say it was supposed to look menacing! :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks :good:


The head is all dry and sorted now, It looks a lot friendlier than it did!

I'll put a new photo up after work.


All I need to do now is actually mount it. Anybody know where I can get a small shield?

I think bushwear might do shields but I think they're all a bit bigger.


I've also got a fox pelt on the go which I'll discuss in another thread when I get round to it :good:

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Here's the fox I mentioned.

I had tanned it with the head, tail and feet on but I wasnt able to dry the lips and ears and feet quick enough and they began to smell so sadly had to cut them off. :oops:

If I had a tumble dryer I would have whacked the whole lot in that after skinning it. I suppose I should have salted the whole lot first before I began working on it but that's the learning curve! :yes:





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Good efforts I hope you keep going until 'perfection' is reached.


A couple of points if I may...much of the taxidermy one sees around is poor, the lads/lasses doing it really should spend more time watching the real thing alive and in it's natural state. Many speciemens end up looking 'moth eaten' but as they are new they clearly aren't.


I prefer mine (I don't do it myself) to have a lifelike quality to them. Heads that are turned, watching, on the alert etc etc. Birds in flight, alighting, taking off etc. A frog for instance that's jumping rather than static.

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much of the taxidermy one sees around is poor, the lads/lasses doing it really should spend more time watching the real thing alive and in it's natural state. Many speciemens end up looking 'moth eaten' but as they are new they clearly aren't.


I couldn't agree more! A Rabbit shoulder mount itself is far from the usual - this was a bit of an experiment into the dynamics of the skin and the shape it forms before I moved onto something larger like a fox.


I've learnt a lot from doing this head and am anxious to move onto a fox mount as soon as I manage to get hold of an adult dog fox... :unsure:

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Good going mate..just one point did you not pin the ears ? ie with hard cardboard to keep them straight ? with fox ears they can be skinned and then use clay pushed and squeezed in and moulded..or the sleeves that can inserted to make them stand


have you looked at supplies on snowdonia taxidermy. http://www.snowdoniasupplies.co.uk/


I use do quite a bit many years ago..something i wish i kept going with..



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