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r10 mk2 .22


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hi every one this is my first time on here.Been airgunning for a few years now and decided to get myself the r10mk2 .22.Problem is i just cant seem to get it to group at 25 yards,tryed 3 different scopes and still no luck,even 3 different types of pellets the best pellet being premiers.Checked on chrono heres the velocity result after 10 shots 572,584,577,594,586,569,578,588,592,589.my groupings were 60mm from a rest has anybody else had this problem with the mk2.

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No matter what pellets you are using, 60mm from a rested rifle suggests there is something else wrong.


Is it a brand new rifle? As thet can take a few hundred pellets to start to settle down.


Have you checked that everything is tight and secure? Mounts, scope, barrel etc.


Have you tried it without the shroud on the barrel? It could be clipping.


Could the magazine be fouling the pellets? Try another one if poss.


Have you tried it after cleaning the barrel?


Failing that it is possible it's the scope not holding zero.


Good luck.

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hi ellebarto chrono the gun again today its even worse than before so its gone back to the shop and they agreed could be the regulater so i got to wait 2 weeks now,not good for a brand new gun which cost £655


I'm not an experienced airgunner but when I got into it I did loads of research and although the R10 was my first choice gun it seems that all but the experienced engineer types are struggling to get it to perform with a very large number having serious faults. There are a lot of tweaks that can be made but fundementally the concensus of opinion is that the seals are poor and the regulator is badly engineered. A few of the main guys known for modding air rifles have openly refused to work on them!


In the end I opted for the far cheaper and lighter BSA Ultra Multishot and paid £120 to have it regulated. The result is, I believe, as good as an R10 with a decent hunting shot count and for about £100 less. The action and performance of this model is bullet proof and time proven!


Good luck with the gun. If it was me I'd swap it now. I foresee many trips back and forth and you never being fully happy!

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The BSA R10's do get a bad wrap for their performance out of the factory. I had one that works flawlessly (still does) and one that presented similar problems as yours. It went back to BSA last September and was returned within a week. It has performed fine since then, and it has had a ton of pellets through it.

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My R10s are very pellet fussy. Anything other than Bisley magnums makes a target look like a pattern plate.


Two of us on this one, just had a frustrating hour with different pellets, s 10 in 177 and then tried bismags, astounded that a pellet change could do this, one hole groups and very very pleased am i. john

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