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Explain flight lines....?


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Flight lines are the birds way of getting around, a bit like roads in the sky.

They often follow tree lines, ground contours, waterways, even pylons or telegraph poles.


If you watch a field, or any area for a while, you will notice that the birds tend to enter and leave it in the same places.

Wind and weather can vary this a bit, but not normally by much.

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Flight lines are the birds way of getting around, a bit like roads in the sky.

They often follow tree lines, ground contours, waterways, even pylons or telegraph poles.


If you watch a field, or any area for a while, you will notice that the birds tend to enter and leave it in the same places.

Wind and weather can vary this a bit, but not normally by much.


Absolutely. One particular flightline i know of has caused the demise of several hundred pigeons going to a block of pea fields this year. They always fly along the length of a river before cutting into their field of choice. This makes them more predictable and easier to kill.

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got a brilliant one on one of the farms i shoot. pigeons going back and forth all the time across this grass field to the neighboring countryside. Some stop to feed on the clover. Trouble is its full of bloody horses!

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just spend a bit of time watching from a hidden position, parked up in car fine. make sure your reccy is same time of day as when your gonna be shooting. there will always be the odd few that take a detour, but you'll soon identify a regular route across your permission - this is the flightline. then when it comes to shoot day you know where to put deeks, floater and yourself. all the best.

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