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Chris Green

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Yes Chris will be on our stand, and all being well his new video will be there too!


For any new member joining by DD they will get Pigoen Shooting Vol1 as a gift, so will any exisitng member who renews by DD, as will any member introducing a friend to BASC at the CLA.



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I know that not everyone will see it the same way but with all the free footage and not to mention forum based information I struggle to see the point of buying a pigeon shooting video at all. You can get as much(unbiased)information as you could ever need for absolutely nothing at the click of a mouse.

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I know that not everyone will see it the same way but with all the free footage and not to mention forum based information I struggle to see the point of buying a pigeon shooting video at all. You can get as much(unbiased)information as you could ever need for absolutely nothing at the click of a mouse.

I've got 3 of his pigeon shooting dvd's and they are informative, funny, well shot, irreverent and self deprecating in no particluar order - Highly entertaining and well worth a watch. Have learnt loads more from these than the other "educational" shooting dvd's that i own.


Having said all that, his decoying gear is ridiculously expensive for what it is - If you are looking for a full setup, go see the bank manager!

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Met the lad a few time at the shows,last time was at the pigeon plucking comp at Catton park. A mate of mine has all his videos,bit tougue in cheek for me but it wouldnt surprise me if Chris ended up as some sort of comic cult hero. :lol::lol::good:


Ps he must be making a bit now unless hes got sponsorship from burbery.

Edited by Redgum
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