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Day on the crows and pigeons


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well after waisting a day last weekend and only shooting 3 between 2 of us , we thought we would have a go on my father winter barley . One of the fields has been wholecropped and drilled with stubble turnips so the crows were hitting the fresh drilling hard but the other fields is mainly still standing as only the dyke back has been wholecropped .

we were both set up around 11.30am with paul on the drilling and me set up on the barley and within minutes we had our first bird . The crows were coming in fast and by the sounds of it he could hardly keep his auto in cartridges , around 2 ish the crows dryed up but he did have 102 on the clicker . 16 pigeons and 86 crows and jackdoors . Thing were a little quieter with me but i did have the main of my pigeons trying to land right on my magnet things were quiet and they finaly dryed up around 6 ish . but after a good few lefts and right i managed 57 pigeons on the clicker with another 6 pigeons paul shot whilst in the hide with me .


total bag for the day 165 , 86 crows and jackdoors and 79 pigeons with quiet afew lost in the standing crop 69 pigeons and 74 crows picked , befor the combine has even been out :good:







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