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Morning, been pondering if I should get a range finder as I am now shooting out to 200 yrds and although during daylight hours it is not an issue I have found that duing low light everything is looking a lot different and I found the other night a simple shot looked much further than it actually was, so to be on the ultra safe side I thought it might not be a bad idea.


I have looked about for some and to be honest they all look similar and as I am not interested in the thing telling me what hold over I should be using I was looking at a standard Leopold RX 600 unit.


On most sites this is at around £200 but on the above mentioned site it is only £150 so quite a drop, issue is it looks a little too cheap so I ask what is wrong, are they for real, do they deliver?


Juth thought I would ask.

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Only problems are with Import Duty and warranty as they are sold from the USA, the Leopold is £210.77 when you include delivery and duty so not as cheap as it looks.


Will you get hit for Duty when it lands?

Overstock include Duty with the final price at checkout so it's pre-paid.

Edited by phaedra1106
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